Associate Professor of English and Digital Humanities, Graduate Center, CUNY
always curious, ever changing, grounded in reality
Professor of English and Digital Humanities, York College and CUNY Graduate Center
An old dog learning new tricks.
Chief Librarian, Professor, CUNY Graduate Center
Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences
Associate Professor
Chief Academic Officer, Macaulay Honors College (Retired)
historian of labor and public education, pedagogue, interactive technologist, (premature) digital humanist, proud grandfather, recovering administrator
Professor Emerita - Beharioral Sciences, Sociology, and Human Relations
I am an alumnus of the PhD Program in Theatre, adjunct faculty member in the Certificate Program in Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, former Director of Digital Initiatives at the Martin E. Segal Theatre center, and co-founder and member of the editorial collective for the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy.
A professor appointed to the Department of Education and Academic Literacy
Executive Director of Academic Computing & eLearning - QCC CUNY
Associate Professor and Digital Sensei in New Media Technology