Social Paper (beta)
Welcome to Social Paper, a tool for networking in-progress student writing and feedback across disciplines, semesters, and publics. Use Social Paper to share and follow papers, comment on papers, or simply browse and search papers from The CUNY Academic Commons community using the directory below.
Note: We are phasing out the Papers feature. Existing papers can be viewed, but new papers cannot be created.
Papers Directory
Vincent Chow ENGL 21001 P Prof. Northrop 12/20/18 I think that this class taught me to be more open minded and think about different things in different ways and possibilities. In the beginning of this class I was hesitant and reluctant to think of this class as useful or a real learning experience as […]
Joshua Saint Germain December 16, 2018 Elizabeth gon Uhl ENGL 21002 Self Assessment At the beginning of the semester, my writing skills were quite rusty due to the fact that I had not been in school for an entire semester prior. I choose to start off with an English class as a way to […]