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Papers Directory
Joshua Saint Germain December 4, 2018 Elisabeth von Uhl ENGL 21002 PROBLEM: If you subscribe to Abrahamic religious beliefs, then it should be common knowledge that female pastorship is not generally accepted due to biblical authority. However, I have seen a few churches within my neighborhood that have gone against the bible to allow […]
Joshua Saint Germain November 19, 2018 Elizabeth von Uhl ENGL 21002 From The Bible’s Mouth INTERVIEW SUMMARY: The transcript you will read has been edited for clarity, and consists of a dialogue between myself and Head Pastor Lyonel of my Church. The central focus of the interview was to have the Pastor give me […]
Joshua Saint Germain Elizabeth von Uhl ENGL 21002 October 4, 2018 The Unpermitted Female For many years my parents forced me to go to their Haitian Church, and during those years I’ve been skeptical of the beliefs and behaviors within their institution. These beliefs may include the nature of reality and existence, sexual relations, […]
Joshua Saint Germain Elizabeth von Uhl ENGL 21002 October 4, 2018 The Unpermitted Female For many years my parents forced me to go to their Haitian church, and for many years I’ve been skeptical of the beliefs and behaviors within the institution. However, there is one aspect of their church I attend to which I […]
Joshua Saint Germain October 11, 2018 Elizabeth von Uhl English 21002 List of Privileges: Being of a considerably young age. Being born into the male sex. Being raised by both parents. Being born in first world country. Worked in a hospital for an internship. Currently living in a middle class suburban area. High school graduate […]
Joshua Saint Germain Brooklyn, NY 11236 [email protected] 6th September 2018 Elisabeth von Uhl ENGL 21002 160 Convent Ave New York, NY 10031 Dear Elisabeth von Uhl, For a majority of my educational experience, I have went to predominantly black schools and lived in predominantly black neighborhoods. And I’ve never really integrated to the popular […]
From Dust to Dome: A Journey of Discovering Selfhood My childhood has always been about playing on the streets, getting dirty in dust and daydreaming about creating something different than the usual. By this I mean I hated doing what others do, what others wear, where others go and what others eat. I have […]