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Papers Directory
Maitri Patel 11 October, 2018 Count on your Technolust: An engineer’s search for intellectual freedom “We are young and it’s going to be a constant curve of learning,” is a quote she passed on to me from her favorite author Don Brown. I came across my Interviewee, Kajal Patel, in Boston where I went to […]
MAITRI PATEL +1(201)456-7342 [email protected] Group One Trading LTD 115 Broadway New York, NY 10006 2nd October, 2018 Dear Hiring Manager, I am a 1st year Computer Science undergraduate student at The City College of New York. I am writing this in response to your post seeking an internship as a software developer. I believe your […]
The superfluous man had inserted in people believing of a man who is a nobleman also a narcissist. Narcissism in the 19th century Russia greatly influenced the love we perceive. Both genders at that period have a distinct status which men always appear as a superior while women seem to be the inferior. However, from […]
In 19th century Russian, the concepts of love have specific rules and etiquette that are entirely different from the day we live in. The term “Superfluous Man” largely influenced Russian’s society; it defines a man who was born as a nobleman, possessed privilege and wealth effortlessly, and led a carefree but dull and boring life. […]
Most teenagers thirst for freedom from the clutches of their parents. I aspired for a brand new life; one of my dreams was to go abroad.While in Malaysia, I was just daydreaming without goals. Opportunities were scarce and only a few jobs were available. My classmates often went to the same colleges because there were […]
In this semester, I have enrolled in this FIQWS course which helped me explore various of writing method, how research should be done through online library and the most importantly write the right paper for a different genre. Although I was still stressed with all of the new experience I did enjoy being in this […]