Public Group active 1 month ago

CUNY Games Network

Visit our website at (or by clicking the Visit Blog link on the left).

We connect educators from every campus and discipline at CUNY who are interested in games, simulations, and other forms of interactive teaching. We seek to facilitate the pedagogical uses of both digital and non-digital games, improve student success, and encourage research and scholarship in the developing field of games-based learning.

Deadline approaching: submit to the CUNY Games Festival!

  • The CUNY Games Network is hosting its first annual conference on game-based learning in higher education!

    The conference will take place at the CUNY Graduate Center on January 17, 2014, and will be followed by a more relaxed game day on the 18th.

    As faculty interested and practiced in game-based learning in higher ed, we urge each of you to submit a proposal to the conference. The deadline for submissions is October 1. Proposals can be submitted online at We’ve attached a flyer to share with colleagues.

    Our conference will feature a plenary roundtable with notable gurus in the field from Columbia, NYU, U Maryland, and CUNY.

    We’d love to have a big CUNY presence at our first annual conference, so please consider presenting and/or attending!

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