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CUNY Games Network

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We connect educators from every campus and discipline at CUNY who are interested in games, simulations, and other forms of interactive teaching. We seek to facilitate the pedagogical uses of both digital and non-digital games, improve student success, and encourage research and scholarship in the developing field of games-based learning.

ISO customizable Pictionary-style game for vocab review

  • Hi everyone, a colleague of mine is looking for any resources to help her in making a Pictionary-style game for her students to play in class to review the course vocabulary. A quick Google search hasn’t turned anything up for us, does anyone have any ideas or resources to recommend?

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  • Hello,
    Below is a simple version that works very well:
    1. Create a list of words that have previously been introduced and taught in the classroom. Put these words on index cards or other slips of paper.
    2. Divide the class into two teams. You can also have the whole class guess if you don’t want it to be a competition.
    3. Make sure that you introduce the rules of Pictionary as all students might not be familiar with how to play the game.
    4. Each student gets to draw a card, and then has 15 secs to think about the word before they draw it. No numbers, letters, or words can be used in the drawing.
    5. The student starts drawing the word and then team members make guesses. After a certain amount of time, I use 2 minuets, the other team can start making guesses too. The team who guesses correctly earns one point for their team.
    6. Continue having the teams take turns as time allows.
    7. If no one can guess the word after 4 minutes the student who drew the picture can explain what their word was and then their turn is over.


    Thanks Isa, that looks great! I’ve passed it along to my colleague.

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