Public Group active 2 weeks, 4 days ago

CUNY Games Network

Visit our website at (or by clicking the Visit Blog link on the left).

We connect educators from every campus and discipline at CUNY who are interested in games, simulations, and other forms of interactive teaching. We seek to facilitate the pedagogical uses of both digital and non-digital games, improve student success, and encourage research and scholarship in the developing field of games-based learning.

NEH Institute on Games for Humanities Pedagogy and Research

  • I thought that some members of this group might be interested in this Summer Institute sponsored by the NEH:

    Sign Up for an NEH-Funded Institute to Study the Use of Games for Humanities Pedagogy & Research

    From the NEH’s page about the event ( ):

    With funding from the NEH program Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities, the University of South Carolina’s Center for Digital Humanities invites applications for a summer institute, held June 7-25 2010 in Columbia, SC.

    The institute will assemble a diverse cohort (teachers and researchers, faculty and advanced graduate students) from across humanities disciplines to pursue a three-week investigation of the use of games to concretely advance teaching and research in the humanities. South Carolina’s team of local scholars will be joined by a large group of resident experts—including Anne Balsamo, Ian Bogost, and Tracy Fullerton— who will help participants explore how games can advance existing questions in the humanities as well as chart new areas for research and teaching. In addition to theoretical and pedagogical discussions, the institute will include practical hands-on work in game development to help participants pursue innovative projects tailored to specific disciplines of the humanities. Funding for twenty fellowships will help defray the cost of attendance. Hybrid and interdisciplinary teams, as well as interesting smaller projects, are invited to apply. In an effort to extend shared infrastructural resources, projects from institutions without a dedicated presence in the Digital Humanities are also welcome. For more information, including how to apply, see the institute’s website.

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