Assistant Professor, English
Assistant Professor, English
Writer and Professor, English, Queens College; Director, MFA Program in Creative Writing & Literary Translation
Commons Project Manager & Open Educational Resource Developer
MBS is an Associate Professor of Communications Technology at York College
Associate Prof. of English and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Hunter College; Associate Prof. of Digital Humanities at the GC.
Associate Professor of English and Digital Humanities, Graduate Center, CUNY
Professor at the College of Staten Island and doctoral faculty at the Graduate Center.
Digital Services Librarian
Lead Developer of the CUNY Academic Commons
Associate Professor of Italian at Hunter College
Associate Professor of Computer Science at City University of New York (CUNY) Hunter College.
Associate Professor, English Department, Queens College
Project Manager
Chief Librarian, Professor, CUNY Graduate Center
Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center
I am a Professor in the English Department at QCC and a Professor and Deputy Executive Officer in the MALS Program at the GC.
CUNY Academic Commons Community Facilitator
Assistant Professor of Spanish @SaintAnselm | Hispanic Linguistics PhD @GC_LAILAC | Former @GCTLC & @MellonFdn Teaching/Graduate Fellow