I am looking for help finding computing skills assessments and tutorial modules for the students in my Computing in Education class. I do not want to spend class time teaching some students to use Microsoft Office when this is usually covered before college. I want to use the class time to focus on more advanced computing skills and…[Read more]
the biggest challenge I’ve faced was that my artifact is in many layers and steps throughout the semester but its taking a bit longer so time constraint and figuring out activities to transition their thinking from one step to the next are my biggest problems.
finding out which activities I can do with students to get them to connect t…[Read more]
awesome!! It sounds like you may not need the resources, but Sara pointed out a bunch of resources around culturally responsive teaching and learning with Scratch and problem solving with Scratch. They may be useful to you and/or your students
I created an alternative artifact where students look at published data (Zero to Three’s State of Babies Yearbook) and compare national data to what is published about NYS. The data focuses on 3 critical areas: 1) maternal & child health, 2) family well-being, and 3) access to quality ECE programming.
We’d love to help you think through some of those revisions if its helpful. Fridays at 9:30a we have open CoP/help sessions and happy to jump in to specifics with you then if the time works.
Oh this resonates with a problem of practice we have centrally which is funders asking us to show impact in clinical placements. What you are describing is one of many of the issues around clinical placement we are seeing across CUNY. Perhaps the next stage of the work should focus on supporting this aspect of the work since seeing things in…[Read more]
A thorn:( in actuality b/c I still haven’t been given a class to teach and have been unable to ‘push in’ as I had hoped to do.
A bud in my mind b/c my artifact has grown based on my digestion of all things CITE this summer and other webinars/workshops on AI I continue to attend.
I am here from Lehman! I had such a great rose! I was super excited about teaching scratch, and I was really worried that my students wouldn’t be bought in. But in my class of 15, all of them are realllyyyy excited about learning scratch! They felt proud and excited to bring it into their classrooms!
Hunter College
A rose – Getting clarity on what I want to do to improve the artifact – and the activities leading up to sharing it.
A thorn – I’m using my artifact in a year-long course, so I have to wait until next Fall to try it again…maybe with my summer ed tech class I could try a trial run, or a bud I’m stewing on a resource for…[Read more]
Implementing Storybird (digital storytelling) activity was a ROSE! It was a wonderful experience. Students worked in pairs, collaboratively to create their digital stories, using artwork from illustrators around the world. The activity was conducted over two weeks and the resulting digital picture books were beautiful and diverse and expressed…[Read more]
A My students are having a great time creating podcast episodes. They stay after class and work collaboratively with each other. The conversations are filled with direct connections to content. I am not sure who is having more fun, me or them.
Hi — THORN . my project was based on a site visit to an infant classroom which we did pre-pandemic. Unfortunately, although fieldwork programs are happy to have students completing fieldwork hours, they are not interested in having students visit for 1 hour 1 time… I have struggled to identify programs to host students…