THE NEW MEDIA LAB (NML) assists City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center faculty and doctoral students from a variety of academic disciplines to create multimedia projects based on their own scholarly […]
THE NEW MEDIA LAB (NML) assists City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center faculty and doctoral students from a variety of academic disciplines to create multimedia projects based on their own scholarly […]
A group devoted to making education open, accessible, and public through the use of open-source tools and non-proprietary software platforms. Group avatar by akashgoyal
The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (CUNY DHI), launched in Fall 2010, aims to build connections and community among those at CUNY who are applying digital technologies to scholarship and pedagogy in the […]
Bringing together comp/rhet teachers and scholars across the CUNY system. Come join us on the wiki, as well! Group avatar: Red-Type by bebop717
a group for current and former students, faculty, and staff of the CUNY Graduate Center Certificate Program in Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (http://www.gc.cuny.edu/itp)
This group is for anyone who is interested in writing a digital dissertation (or creating a digital component to an otherwise 'traditional' dissertation). Please join, introduce yourself in the "welcome and […]
A meta-group for all of the Commons' group admins so that the CUNY Academic Commons team can share information and keep you updated about changes to the site (and especially the Group interface). This group will […]
The Graduate Center Composition and Rhetoric Community (GCCRC), a DSC-chartered organization, is comprised of a diverse group of students and faculty interested in not only what texts say, but how they say it, and […]
The mission of The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy is to promote open scholarly discourse around critical and creative uses of digital technology in teaching, learning, and research. You can find […]
A group for all Doctoral students enrolled in the English Program at the Graduate Center. This site is intended for student use; to share ideas and events, get feedback, and develop professional networks. The ESA […]
A group for Graduate Center students working on projects sponsored by the GC Provost's Digital Innovation Grants competition
This is a group for all members of the CUNY community who are interested in technology and its use in academic research and teaching.
This group is for those interested in and doing research involving mobile technology. The group is intended to encompass a broad range of methodologies (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, participatory-action, […]
A general group for English doctoral students at the Grad Center. Use the group forum to organize, share ideas, and talk about anything from publishing and conferences to grad life.
A group for members of the Spring 2010 Core 2 class in the CUNY GC ITP Program (http://core2.commons.gc.cuny.edu/) Group Avatar by Leeks