Unlocking Python's Power with the DRI By Annapia Borraccino DRI Participant, Winter 2024 “Coding can’t be that hard, you just need to practice it.” This was my ma […]
There might not be a Netflix original series about it, but organizing our digital life is today at least as important as organizing any other aspects of our life—if not more. It can be, in many ways, trickier: w […]
Last month, I led a workshop for the GC Digital Initiatives on “Getting Started with TEI.” For those who don’t know, TEI (short for Text Encoding Initiative) is a method for encoding, or “tagging,” texts in such […]
This is Part 2 of a two-part blog post series exploring the efforts of 3 urban-based community wireless networks (CWNs) – NYC Mesh, Equitable Internet Initiative (Detroit), and PeoplesOpen.net […]
As of June 2017, about one quarter of the US population did not have access to broadband internet. This includes 16 million or 28% of rural residents, and 62 million or 23% of urban […]
A few years ago when I was taking a class in advanced cartography, I was introduced to ESRI Story maps, a webapp that allows you to blend text, maps, 3D scenes, images, and videos in order to tell your story and […]
Note that this is an updated post from one originally written by Digital Fellow Jojo Karlin for the past spring 2018 semester here. Hand-drawn image above by Javier Otero Peña (Javodibujitos), and below by Jojo K […]
In November of 2015, shortly after beginning my career as a doctoral student at the Graduate Center, I received an email from Victor Papa, president of the Two Bridges Neighborhood Council. Papa expressed his […]
In the mapping workshops that we offer, a recurrent question refers to where to get the data. Every time students attend one of these workshops, all the datasets are given to them, so it is understandable that […]
What do you know about text analysis (also known as text mining)? If you’re familiar with data mining, or extracting information or patterns from data sets, you can probably imagine how the same processes may be a […]
Kelsey’s image: A photo of the GC anthropology program’s bookshelf in the lounge, while the books were still organized according not to author or topic but color. Impractical, yes, but more poetic.
This is a guest post by Michelle Yom, a musicology Ph.D. student at the GC, a participant in the 2017-2018 GCDI Sound Series, and a member of the Sound Studies and Methods working group #GCDISound.
There’s this meme that’s been going around the internet for a little while now. The format of the meme is “I forced a bot to watch X amount of Y, and then asked it to write Y – here’s what it produced”. There a […]
Note that this is an updated post from one originally written by Digital Fellow Jojo Karlin for the past spring 2018 semester here. Hand-drawn images or “Jojo Doodles” above and below are also by Jojo Karlin. […]
Last night, as our final GCDI Sound Series workshop of the semester, I taught a new workshop: Audio Annotation with Praat and Python. And when I say “new”, I mean new to me. Although I’ve wanted to run a […]
This semester, the GC Digital Fellows will pilot one-on-one and small group consultations by appointment in order to provide graduate students at the GC with assistance on their digital projects . Individuals or […]