Director of Institutional Research and Assessment
Director of Institutional Research and Assessment
Chief Academic Officer, Macaulay Honors College (Retired)
CUNY IT Academic Technology Director for QCC
Associate Professor of English and Digital Humanities, Graduate Center, CUNY
Assistant Professor of Spanish @SaintAnselm | Hispanic Linguistics PhD @GC_LAILAC | Former @GCTLC & @MellonFdn Teaching/Graduate Fellow
Retired. Formerly, City College Director of faculty and staff development; online/hybrid program coordinator; SPS online faculty
Project Manager
Chief Librarian, Professor, CUNY Graduate Center
Professor Emerita - Beharioral Sciences, Sociology, and Human Relations
Professor, Author, Innovator, Digital Sociologist
An old dog learning new tricks.
Executive Director of Academic Computing & eLearning - QCC CUNY
Providing technical, design and instructional support for LaGuardia faculty.