Public Group active 4 days, 6 hours ago
LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable
Online forum for discussing LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable programming and other scholcomm issues.
Co-chairs, 2024-25: Monica Berger (City Tech) & Jill Cirasella (Graduate Center)
Logo image by Thomas Frank:
Jill Cirasella started the topic Open Divide Lecture Series
Hi all – Sharing this announcement for the Open Divide Lecture Series, “a year-long exploration of the challenges, contradictions, and evolving landscape of Open Access and scholarly publishing.” One event per month for a whole year!
Dear colleagues,
We are excited to announce the Open Divide Lecture Series (2025–2026, online), a y…[Read more]
Jill Cirasella started the topic GC Library ScholComm Workshops
Hello! I’m sharing the announcement below for anyone who may not have seen the posting on CULIBS:
This spring, the Graduate Center’s Mina Rees Library is offering four online workshops about publication contracts, copyright, and related topics. (Each workshop will occur twice: once on a Wednesday evening and once on a Friday morning.) All m…[Read more]
Elliot Galvis (he/him) joined the group
Jill Cirasella started the topic February lightning talks about AI + scholcomm
Thanks to everyone who voted in the scheduling poll for the February meeting of the Scholarly Communications Roundtable, which will feature lightning talks on topics related to the intersection of AI and scholarly communication. The winning time is Thursday, February 27 at 3:00-4:30pm.
If you’d like to attend the lightning talks, p…[Read more]
Jill Cirasella started the topic Scheduling SCRT's Feb Lightning Talks
Hi all,
At the LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable meeting this month, we agreed to have a February lightning talk event focused on the intersection of scholarly communication and AI. The event will be open to all, not just those who present lightning talks. (That said, please start thinking about whether you’d be interested in doing a p…[Read more]
Jill Cirasella started the topic Spring 2025 scholcomm peer mentoring program
For anyone who may have missed the announcement on CULIBS (and please let us know if the deadline doesn’t work for you — we can likely adjust it):
The Office of Library Services is launching a new peer mentoring program to support full-time library faculty at CUNY who are interested in building knowledge and skills in newer areas of…[Read more]
Jill Cirasella started the topic Possibly of interest: ACRL/NY OA Discussion Group, Dec 4
For those who haven’t seen the announcement, this event may be of interest:
ACRL/NY Open Access Discussion Group – Fall 2024 Virtual “Meet and Greet”
The Open Access Discussion Group invites you to join us for a community meet & greet and presentation by María Mejía about her work as the Open Scholarship Librarian at NYU Libra…[Read more]
Jill Cirasella replied to the topic Vote for December meeting date/time
I apologize – I sent the wrong Zoom link! Here is the correct link for registering for the Dec 9 LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable meeting.
Sorry for the confusion!
Jill -
Jill Cirasella replied to the topic Vote for December meeting date/time
Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll for the December meeting. There was a clear winner: Monday, December 9 at noon-1pm. Please register to receive the Zoom link.
As previously mentioned, the December meeting will be a structured discussion about the recent appeals court ruling in the Hachette v. Internet Archive case (i.e., the Internet…[Read more]
Jill Cirasella started the topic Vote for December meeting date/time
At the LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable meeting this week, attendees agreed to meet every other month this academic year:
- December: structured discussion about controlled digital lending and the Internet Archive court ruling
- February: lightning talks (theme TBD)
- April: structured discussion (topic TBD)
- June: lightning talks…
Jill Cirasella replied to the topic Vote for October meeting date/time
Reminder: The Scholarly Communications Roundtable’s October meeting will be Tuesday, October 15 at 4-5pm. (Thank you to all who voted, and sincere apologies to those for whom this time doesn’t work.)
Please register for the meeting into order to receive the Zoom link.
As a reminder, the tentative agenda for the meeting is:
– Elect roun…[Read more]
Jill Cirasella replied to the topic Vote for October meeting date/time
Update: The Scholarly Communications Roundtable’s October meeting will be Tuesday, October 15 at 4-5pm. (Thank you to all who voted, and sincere apologies to those for whom this time doesn’t work.)
Please register for the meeting into order to receive the Zoom link.
As a reminder, the tentative agenda for the meeting is:
– Elect roundtable…[Read more]
Jill Cirasella started the topic Vote for October meeting date/time
With September more than half over, it’s probably too late to try to squeeze in a LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable meeting this month. But if I get a poll out now for an October meeting, we’ll have a good chance of finding a time that works for lots of folks. Let’s give it a try — please vote in this Doodle poll.
Tentative agenda for O…[Read more]
Jill Cirasella replied to the topic CDL Lending/Recent Internet Archive Court Decision
In my last message, I mentioned that the October meeting of the NYS Copyright First Responders group will be devoted to this ruling and its implications. It was just announced that the meeting will be open not just to members of the Copyright First Responders group but also to our institutional colleagues. So, if you’d like to attend, please send…[Read more]
Jill Cirasella replied to the topic CDL Lending/Recent Internet Archive Court Decision
Thank you for sharing those details, Julia — I didn’t realize there were any CUNY libraries pursuing CDL in Alma/Primo yet! For those of us who are members of the NYS Copyright First Responders group, the October meeting will be about the implications of this most recent Internet Archive ruling — I’m sure those of us who attend will have…[Read more]
Julia Furay replied to the topic CDL Lending/Recent Internet Archive Court Decision
Hi, I can share info about Kingsborough’s CDL program (now abruptly put on hold because of the law case, though according to Beth perhaps we can continue?). Our focus for this program was on textbooks which do NOT currently have an ebook available, which is what Beth mentions as well. We have funding for etextbooks and would prefer to purchase…[Read more]
Beth Evans replied to the topic CDL Lending/Recent Internet Archive Court Decision
Good points, Jill.
Pulling out the positives the AA sees in the ruling for a shorter read here:
1.The Court rejected the district court’s conclusion that IA was engaged in commercial use when looking at the first factor of fair use. The publishers argued IA’s lending of digitized books was commercial in nature because IA received a few thou…[Read more]
Jill Cirasella replied to the topic CDL Lending/Recent Internet Archive Court Decision
PS: I just read with interest this blog post from the Authors Alliance that mentions some bright spots in the Internet Archive ruling, as well as some issues not addressed by it.
Jill Cirasella replied to the topic CDL Lending/Recent Internet Archive Court Decision
I apologize for not replying until now, and I admit I still haven’t had a chance to read the most recent ruling in full. However, something I do remember is that the original lawsuit against the Internet Archive vigorously argued that the Internet Archive isn’t actually a library. (“Defendant bills its Website as ‘an accredited California State…[Read more]
Michael Kirby started the topic CDL Lending/Recent Internet Archive Court Decision
Hi everyone,
Hope your semester is off to a good start!
This might be slightly off topic for this forum, but I thought I might as well ask for some advice re: the recent court decision about CDL lending/the Internet Archive. We just started our CDL program at Kingsborough and I know a couple of other CUNYs are doing it as well. Do you plan to…[Read more]
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