Public Group active 1 month ago

LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable

Online forum for discussing LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable programming and other scholcomm issues.

Co-chairs, 2024-25: Monica Berger (City Tech) & Jill Cirasella (Graduate Center)
Logo image by Thomas Frank:


Vote for October meeting date/time

  • With September more than half over, it’s probably too late to try to squeeze in a LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable meeting this month. But if I get a poll out now for an October meeting, we’ll have a good chance of finding a time that works for lots of folks. Let’s give it a try — please vote in this Doodle poll.

    Tentative agenda for October meeting:

    • Elect roundtable chair/co-chairs for the 2024-25 year
    • Sketch out roundtable meeting pattern for the year
    • Brainstorm some topics of discussion/activities for the year
    • …and if there’s time, perhaps we can continue discussing the recent Internet Archive/Controlled Digital Lending ruling (see previous thread)

    Please vote by next Friday, September 27, so we can schedule something before our calendars fill up.

    And remember, no expertise is necessary — only an interest in scholarly publishing and/or scholarly communication topics more broadly!

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  • Update: The Scholarly Communications Roundtable’s October meeting will be Tuesday, October 15 at 4-5pm. (Thank you to all who voted, and sincere apologies to those for whom this time doesn’t work.)

    Please register for the meeting into order to receive the Zoom link.

    As a reminder, the tentative agenda for the meeting is:

    – Elect roundtable chair/co-chairs for the 2024-25 year
    – Sketch out roundtable meeting pattern for the year
    – Brainstorm some topics of discussion/activities for the year
    – …and if there’s time, discuss the recent Internet Archive/Controlled Digital Lending ruling

    Reminder: The Scholarly Communications Roundtable’s October meeting will be Tuesday, October 15 at 4-5pm. (Thank you to all who voted, and sincere apologies to those for whom this time doesn’t work.)

    Please register for the meeting into order to receive the Zoom link.

    As a reminder, the tentative agenda for the meeting is:

    – Elect roundtable chair/co-chairs for the 2024-25 year
    – Sketch out roundtable meeting pattern for the year
    – Brainstorm some topics of discussion/activities for the year
    –  …and if there’s time, discuss the recent Internet Archive/Controlled Digital Lending ruling

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