Lauren Mulcahy (she/her) joined the group
Jill Cirasella started the topic Upcoming Workshops: Publication Contracts, Copyright, and Creative Commons
This spring, the Graduate Center’s Mina Rees Library is offering four online workshops about publication contracts, copyright, and related topics. (Each workshop will occur twice: once on a Wednesday evening and once on a Friday morning.) All members of the CUNY community are welcome, regardless of campus. The workshops are especially well s…[Read more]
Luke Waltzer started the topic TLC PANEL: ABOLITION PEDAGOGIES, February 12, 2025
Are you searching for ways to make your classroom environment more collaborative, liberating and supportive? Have you been wondering what abolition means and looks like in an academic context?
Join the conversation during a panel discussion hosted by the Teaching and Learning Center at the CUNY Graduate Center. Scholars and activists RaShelle…[Read more]
gcdigitalfellows started the topic **Deadline Extended** Apply for the GC Digital Research Institute by Dec 6th
The GC Digital Research Institute (GCDRI)
January 21st – 24, 2025
Application due: December 6th, 12:00pm
Are you interested in using digital tools in your research, but don’t know where to start? Do you want to learn more about digital technologies alongside a supportive group of your peers?
gcdigitalfellows started the topic Apply for the January GC Digital Research Institute by December 3, 2024
The GC Digital Research Institute (GCDRI)January 21st – 24, 2025
Application due: December 3rd, 11:59pm
Are you interested in using digital tools in your research, but don’t know where to start? Do you want to learn more about digital technologies alongside a supportive group of your peers?
Nastasia Pollas joined the group
Chen Zhou (She/her) joined the group
Marwa Answar (She/Her) joined the group
Hilda Martinez (her) joined the group
Stefanos Milkidis joined the group
gcdigitalfellows started the topic [Hybrid Event] GC Digital Showcase 2023
We are delighted to share that we will be hosting the GC Digital Showcase today, Wednesday, May 10th. The event is hybrid, and attendees can join in-person at the Graduate Center Segal Theater or over Zoom. The event will feature student projects from the MA in Digital Humanities Praxis seminar, the Provost Digital Innovation Grant, the Data For…[Read more]
Connor M French replied to the topic Google Mock Interviews
Thanks a ton Lisa! I’ll definitely take advantage of this- just submitted an application for a Google internship, so this will be good practice if I get an interview.
I hope everything is going well! I just finished training to be certified as a Software Carpentries Curriculum Developer- my experience from the Digital Fellows was ringing in my e…[Read more]
Lisa Marie Rhody started the topic Google Mock Interviews
Hi all…
Consider participating in the Google Mock Interviews. This is an opportunity to practice interviewing for technology positions and to get feedback from Google hiring staff. See the information below from Jenny Furlong… Best, Lisa
Mock Interview Session with Google
Date & Time<br aria-hidden=”true” />Wednesday, March 29, 2023<br…[Read more]
gcdigitalfellows started the topic Upcoming Workshop — Building a Static Website — Fri 3/31 @3PM on Zoom
Join us to learn some of the basics for building and hosting a simple website with GitHub and Jekyll! This is a great resource if you want a place to share your CV, research or teaching materials, or blog about your work in a free and low-frills way–where you retain control.
When & Where: Friday, March 31st, 3:00-4:30PM (on Zoom)
Learn more…[Read more]
Artem Pankin (he/him) joined the group
gcdigitalfellows started the topic [Zoom Event] Dissertation Futures
“Dissertation Futures” Online Roundtable Discussion, March 27th (Mon), 1230pm – 2pm
To reconsider the future of the doctoral degree requires us to re-evaluate the role of the dissertation as a means of preparing and evaluating students. Join the GC Digital Fellows and four guest speakers for a conversation about the future of the dissertation as…[Read more]
gcdigitalfellows started the topic Introduction to JavaScript - Part II
Hey all,
Please join us on 3/3/23 from 1-3pm for the Introduction to JavaScript pt 2 workshop!
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages and the premiere programming language of the web. In this second workshop of a two-part series, we will utilize our knowledge of JavaScript to add basic interactivity and functionality to a…[Read more]
Nicole Cote started the topic Upcoming Workshop — Git It: Intro to Git and GitHub — Fri 10/14 @3PM
Join us for a totally beginner-friendly intro to both Git and Github! Learn the basics for getting started and an intro to fundamental concepts such as version control and practical applications for students and scholars from all disciplines.
When & Where: Friday, October 14th, 3:00-4:30 PM (on Zoom)
Learn more and/or register: here
Chelsea Lane started the topic Introductory Python Workshop at 2PM Today!
It’s not too late to register for GCDI’s Introductory Python workshop, happening today from 2-4pm! This workshop is also the first in a 5-part series exploring Python-related research tools, including text analysis with NLTK, data analysis with Pandas, web scraping with Beautiful Soup, and reading data with APIs!
Get more info and sign up here.
Philip Parzygnat joined the group
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