Public Group active 6 days, 9 hours ago

CUNY Games Network

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We connect educators from every campus and discipline at CUNY who are interested in games, simulations, and other forms of interactive teaching. We seek to facilitate the pedagogical uses of both digital and non-digital games, improve student success, and encourage research and scholarship in the developing field of games-based learning.

  • Tuesday 10/18: Shannon Mattern & Mark Sample on Digital Humanities in the Classroom

    Hi everyone! With apologies for cross-posting, just wanted to make sure that all of you know that on Tuesday (10/18) the Digital Studies and Digital Humanities groups will be welcoming Shannon Mattern (The New School) and Mark Sample (George Mason University) to the Grad Center to speak on “Digital Humanities in the Classroom.” They are both wonderful speakers, and have provided some excellent suggested readings too.

    Details are below, and on our blog (; we look forward to seeing you there!

    Time & Place: Tuesday October 18, 2011, 6:30-8:30pm, Room 6496, CUNY Graduate Center

    Shannon Mattern, “Beyond the Seminar Paper: Setting New Standards for New Forms of Student Work”

    By exploring how new technologies might function as teaching tools or platforms on which students can demonstrate their learning, we expand the means and ends of education. With this increasing openness of pedagogical forms comes the responsibility to justify our choices and develop new forms of criticism and modes of assessment. Using several of my own courses as examples, I’ll address the challenges and potential benefits of holding students, and ourselves, accountable for the choices we make in our classrooms and advising relationships. I’ll focus on the value of (1) student documentation of their learning process, and in particular (2) students’ justification of their chosen methods and modes of presentation; (3) collaborative development of criteria for evaluation; and (4) connecting our work in the classroom to larger public problems and public institutions.

    Suggested readings:
    • Shannon Mattern, “Trying to Wrap My Head Around the Digital Humanities, Part 2” Words in Space (June 23, 2010) (
    • Shannon Mattern, “Evaluating Multimodal Student Work” Words in Space (August 11, 2010) (
    • Steve Anderson, “Regeneration: Multimedia Genres and Emerging Scholarship” Institute for Multimedia Literacy (June 29, 2008) (

    Mark Sample, “Building and Sharing When You’re Supposed to be Teaching”

    My pedagogy can increasingly be summed up in five words: “Make things. And share them.” I will talk briefly about my move toward assignments and projects in the undergraduate humanities classroom that emphasize making—as opposed to simply writing. I will also address the sharing aspect of these projects, which I see as a critical intervention into the enclosured experience most students have in higher education.

    Suggested readings:
    • “Student Contracts for Digital Projects” by Jeffrey McClurken (
    • “Integrating a Digital Project Into a Class: Deciding on a Project” by Amy Cavender (
    • “Using a Graphic Illustrator in Higher Education: Comic Life” by Billie Hara (

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