Public Group active 1 week, 1 day ago

CUNY Games Network

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We connect educators from every campus and discipline at CUNY who are interested in games, simulations, and other forms of interactive teaching. We seek to facilitate the pedagogical uses of both digital and non-digital games, improve student success, and encourage research and scholarship in the developing field of games-based learning.

Reminder: Game-based learning workshop Thursday 3/23 @ 6:30pm

  • Hi everyone, just wanted to send a reminder about our GBL workshop next Thursday at the Grad Center!

    Turning Your Exercises into Games: A Mid-Semester Workshop with What’s Your Game Plan?

    Can you guess what your lesson on “Finding Citations,” the game “Trivial Pursuit,” and the mechanic “Bluffing” all have in common?

    Games and simulations are powerful tools for learning. In this bootcamp brainstorm, BMCC’s Prof. Joe Bisz (English) and Prof. Kathleen Offenholley (Mathematics) break up professors and graduate students into design teams whose job is to enhance an exercise with the mechanics of popular board games. This workshop provides a fun introduction to the engagement and deep learning principles behind game-based learning pedagogy.

    Thursday March 23rd * 6:30-8pm The CUNY Graduate Center * Room 9207

    Planning to attend? RSVP here, thanks:

    (You can also download a flyer here:

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