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Inés Vañó García started the topic Newly extended CFP (through 07/21) - JITP Special Issue
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Themed Issue 24:
Digital Humanities: Labor, Political Economy, and Activism in the Age of Digital Mediation
Issue Editors:
Matthew N. Hannah, Purdue University
Gabriel Hankins, Clemson University
Anna Alexis Larsson, Indiana University
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy…[Read more]
Laurie Hurson started the topic Join the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Editorial Collective!
Call for Participation
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy seeks new members to join our Editorial Collective. We invite applications from graduate students, scholars, and practitioners in all fields who critically and creatively engage with digital technology in their teaching, learning, and research. We will be appointing both…[Read more]
Inés Vañó García started the topic The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) - Join the Collective!
Call for Participation
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy seeks new members to join our Editorial Collective. We invite applications from graduate students, scholars, and practitioners in all fields who critically and creatively engage with digital technology in their teaching, learning, and research. We will be appointing both…[Read more]
Laurie Hurson started the topic OER Student Showcase this Wednesday, 12pm
We invite members of the Graduate Center and CUNY community to join us for the OER Student Showcase on April 3rd from 12pm to 2pm in GC room C-202/203.
The OER showcase will feature a series of student panelists who will share scholarly and pedagogical projects that utilize Open Educational Resources (OER). Student panelists include: Maura…[Read more]
Laurie Hurson started the topic OER Student Showcase: Wednesday, April 3rd
We invite members of the Graduate Center and CUNY community to join us for the OER Student Showcase on April 3rd from 12pm to 2pm in GC room C-202/203.
The OER showcase will feature a series of student panelists who will share scholarly and pedagogical projects that utilize Open Educational Resources (OER). Student panelists include: Maura…[Read more]
Nancy Yang (She/Her) joined the group
Inés Vañó García started the topic CFP: Submissions for JITP Special Issue -Labor, Political Economy, and Activism
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Themed Issue 24:
Digital Humanities: Labor, Political Economy, and Activism in the Age of Digital Mediation
Issue Editors:
Matthew N. Hannah, Purdue University
Gabriel Hankins, Clemson University
Anna Alexis Larsson, Indiana University
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy…[Read more]
Easten Benziger joined the group
Jojo Karlin started the topic JOB CALL: JITP Managing Editor (Grad A Fellowship)
With thanks to Michael Mandiberg, Luke Waltzer, Anne Ellis, and our hiring committee — Chanta, Courtney, Laurie, and Zach — we are circulating the call for our next JITP Managing Editor. Please share with GC students looking for a Grad A Fellowship for fall 2024!
Please check out and share the call for the next Managing Editor of the Jo…[Read more] -
Oluremi "Remi" Alapo joined the group
Mike Rifino started the topic Due date approaching! [CFP] JITP General Issue 24: Due December 1st
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Issue Editors:
Elizabeth Alsop, CUNY School of Professional Studies
Cen Liu, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Sarah Silverman, University of Michigan-Dearborn
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) seeks scholarly work at the intersection of technology…[Read more]
Mike Rifino started the topic CFP! JITP General Issue 24 – Call for Submissions: Issue 24, due December 1st
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Issue Editors:
Elizabeth Alsop, CUNY School of Professional Studies
Cen Liu, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Sarah Silverman, University of Michigan-Dearborn
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) seeks scholarly work at the intersection of technology…[Read more]
Mike Rifino started the topic Due Date Extended! (6/15) CFP: Liberatory Legacy of bell hooks JITP Themed Issue
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Themed Issue 23:
The Liberatory Legacy of bell hooks: Pedagogies and Praxes that Heal and Disrupt
Issue Editors:
Nikki Fragala Barnes, University of Central Florida
Summer L. Hamilton, Pennsylvania State University
Asma Neblett, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Kush Patel, Manipal Academy of…[Read more]
Mike Rifino started the topic Due Date Approaching! The Liberatory Legacy of bell hooks_Themed JITP Issue
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Themed Issue 23:
The Liberatory Legacy of bell hooks: Pedagogies and Praxes that Heal and Disrupt
Issue Editors:
Nikki Fragala Barnes, University of Central Florida
Summer L. Hamilton, Pennsylvania State University
Asma Neblett, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Kush Patel, Manipal Academy of…[Read more]
Mike Rifino started the topic New Issue: JITP No. 22! General Issue: Looking Again
Issue Twenty-Two: General Issue: Looking Again
Issue Editors:
Courtney Dalton, Cornell University
Benjamin Miller, University of Pittsburgh
Michael Rifino, The Graduate Center, CUNY
We are thrilled to announce Issue 22, our latest published issue on CUNY’s instance of Manifold!
Read peer-reviewed and open-access articles that feature new…[Read more]
Mike Rifino started the topic The Liberatory Legacy of bell hooks: Call for Submissions! Due date: May 31st
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Themed Issue 23:
The Liberatory Legacy of bell hooks: Pedagogies and Praxes that Heal and Disrupt
Issue Editors:
Nikki Fragala Barnes, University of Central Florida
Summer L. Hamilton, Pennsylvania State University
Asma Neblett, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Kush Patel, Manipal Academy of…[Read more]
Tansy Xiao joined the group
Mike Rifino started the topic JITP Archives are now LIVE on Manifold!
We are proud to announce that, after an extensive team effort, we have migrated our archives (Issues 1–20 and our Short Forms) from our CUNY Academic Commons WordPress site to Manifold (for more on Manifold, click this link)! To visit our archive, click here.
We hope you’ll engage anew with our decade’s worth of publications. You can add thoughts…[Read more]
Mike Rifino started the topic CFP! JITP Themed Issue – The Liberatory Legacy of bell hooks (5/31)
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Themed Issue 23:
The Liberatory Legacy of bell hooks: Pedagogies and Praxes that Heal and Disrupt
Issue Editors:
Nikki Fragala Barnes, University of Central Florida
Summer L. Hamilton, Pennsylvania State University
Asma Neblett, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Kush Patel, Manipal Academy of…[Read more]
Mike Rifino started the topic New Issue! JITP, no. 21: Themed Issue on Open Educational Resources
Issue Twenty-One: Themed Issue on Open Educational Resource
Inés Vañó García, Anselm College
Jojo Karlin, New York University Libraries
Krystyna Michael, Hostos Community College, CUNY
We are thrilled to announce that we have published our newest issue on CUNY’s instance of Manifold, as part of our ongoing migration of our archives and future…[Read more]
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