Instructional Design professional in pursuit of best practices for student learning.
Public Group active 2 months, 2 weeks ago
This group site provides an opportunity for those interested in conducting research on how to improve college student learning in fully online and hybrid/blended courses to discuss research topics, challenges, and possibilities for collaboration. CUNY’s size, diversity and the presence of faculty and others with expertise in learning, cognition, motivation, instructional design, assessment and other relevant specialties create a potentially fruitful opportunity for investigating critical questions.
Instructional Design professional in pursuit of best practices for student learning.
Instructional Technologist at Queens College ePortfolio
Assistant Professor
Head of Reference at the Graduate Center Library
The GC Digital Fellows work with Graduate Center faculty members on digital scholarly projects, design websites for special initiatives, receive skills training workshops, and, more broadly, explore new ways for Graduate Center faculty, students, and staff to share their academic work through new technological platforms and social media tools.
Reference/Instruction Librarian
Instructional Designer
Doctoral Student in Human Development at the GC, Adjunct Instructor at CSI
EdTech 4.o passionate
Assistant Professor of English at Kingsborough Community College
Project Manager
Professor Emerita - Beharioral Sciences, Sociology, and Human Relations
Professor of Sociology at QCC, CUNY