Public Group active 4 years, 4 months ago

Spring 2020 Sociology of Education

Instructor, Francine Almash


Option for class 4/22 PLEASE RESPOND

  • Hello everyone. I hope this email finds you all safe and well. First, thank you to everyone for class this past Wednesday. Just a reminder to anyone who was not able to join the online session. If you have not emailed me to check in, please do so as soon as you can so I know you are well and can count you in attendance.

    I would like to offer you all an option for this week instead of the scheduled readings/video. There is an online event this Wednesday, April 22, from 5-6:30 called “Remaking Schools in the Time of Coronavirus.” There are fee tickets available, and a link to the event a description are posted below. I think you’ll agree that it is very relevant to our class and our discussions. So this is what I would like to propose:

    I plan on attending this discussion. If anyone would like to also attend (online of course), you can do this instead of completing this week’s readings. Additionally, if you attend and then write a brief summary and response (400-500 words) I will count this as your final writing assignment (meaning you do not have to write paper on charter schools).

    Since I know everyone might not be able to make it at the scheduled time, this is completely optional. I just ask that if you do plan on attending you let me know. Also, whether you choose to attend and write about this event or do the charter school assignment, the deadline remains the same—you just need to get it to my by the end of the semester.

    If you all could let me know what you think as soon as possible that will help me plan for this week. If you do decide to attend this event you DO NOT have to also log on to this week’s online chat (though of course you are welcome to if you want). Let me know if you have any questions.

    Be well,

    Remaking Schools in the Time of Coronavirus

    Date And Time

    Wed, April 22, 2020

    5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT

    About this Event

    What has this crisis taught us about the role of public schools in society?

    What have we learned about what really matters in education during this time?

    When we re-open schools, what kind of education will we have, will we demand?

    The Covid-19 crisis has upended public education around the country. Join three radical education activists in conversation about what this crisis means for public education now and how moving forward we can continue to fight for the schools our students deserve.

    Francine Almash

    Mellon Humanities Alliance Fellow
    PhD Student in Urban Education
    The Graduate Center-CUNY<>

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