Public Group active 31 minutes ago

LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable

Online forum for discussing LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable programming and other scholcomm issues.

Co-chairs, 2024-25: Monica Berger (City Tech) & Jill Cirasella (Graduate Center)
Logo image by Thomas Frank:


Open Access Week 2011

  • Hi All!

    Here at Brooklyn College, we’re just starting to solidify plans for Open Access Week 2011. I hear that City Tech and Hunter are also cooking up some plans.

    Are there other campuses that are planning events this year? And would the Scholarly Communications Roundtable be a good vehicle to share information CUNY-wide once we all have the full details about each library’s events? I can imagine that this CUNY Academic Commons group could help get campus-specific events promoted more broadly, and could function as a space in which we archive our efforts, allowing them to be re-used and remixed in the future. What do others think about this?

    I’m excited to hear more about what other campuses are planning, and hope that more CUNY campuses are able to be involved this year!

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  • Ooo, I like the idea of the Roundtable acting as a collator and distributor of announcements about CUNY Open Access Week events. I also like the idea of collecting and storing details of the different events, which would allow other campuses to host similar events without reinventing the wheel. Maybe these materials could be saved in docs here or uploaded to the CUNY Libraries DSpace?

    Last year, after the Brooklyn College and City Tech OA Week events, we had a debriefing session to discuss what worked, what could be improved, etc. At one of its fall meetings, maybe the Scholarly Communications Roundtable could include a share-and-compare postpartum discussion for those who coordinated OA Week events and those who hope to do something next year? Perhaps in November or December?

    Just giving this a bump in everyone’s inboxes. We’ve planned for two faculty workshops for OA Week at City Tech this year: one on authors’ rights (similar to the session at the ACRL Scholarly Communications Roadshow last summer), and one on using open course materials.

    I know that Brooklyn has OA Week plans too, is any other campus planning an event? We can use the Open Access at CUNY site ( here on the Academic Commons to help publicize the events, so please let one of the site admins know if you’d like to be added to post. (Site admins are Jill, Alycia, Monica Berger, and me.)


    Just giving this a bump in everyone’s inboxes. We’ve planned for two faculty workshops for OA Week at City Tech this year: one on authors’ rights (similar to the session at the ACRL Scholarly Communications Roadshow last summer), and one on using open course materials.

    I know that Brooklyn has OA Week plans too, is any other campus planning an event? We can use the Open Access at CUNY site ( here on the Academic Commons to help publicize the events, so please let one of the site admins know if you’d like to be added to post. (Site admins are Jill, Alycia, Monica Berger, and me.)


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