Public Group active 1 year, 7 months ago

WordPress HELP!!

This group is for neophytes to WordPress who are trying to use it as a Bbd alternative and have questions that “everyone knows” the answers to already. Except those who don’t. Quick answers to specific questions is what I envision here, so we can set up our courses without spending hours trying to find out a simple answer. Of course, we NEED EXPERTS in the group to actually answer the questions. All experts and neophytes please join this group!!


Tagging comments?

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  • Hi Maura,
    I was thinking about a similar question lately and after reading your post I wonder if it could be solved by the same plugin: Is there a way to respond to (or tag) a comment w/o making the response public? I encourage students to comment on the blog, and sometimes I want to respond to their comments privately. For now, I just email them directly, but it seems there might be another way to do this. I had the same issue with Blackboard (i.e. not being able to respond to students directly w/o emailing). Anyway, sorry to piggyback on your request, hopefully we get a plugin that can do both things.

    If you would like to answer the comments privately, this is how I set it up: You may set up your blog so that whenever you receive a comment, you will receive a notice in your designated email. So that you may have to choice of answer the comment on your blog or answer the comment from your email. Remember when someone comments, it is required to enter his/her email address. So if you hit Reply button on your email window and change To field to the email address appeared in your email, you will send out a private email.

    Hi Maura,

    It looks like WP Comment Remix ( ) adds the ability to add tags to comments. We can take a look at it to see whether it is compatible with our setup.

    @dwuebben: I’m certain I’ve seen this functionality, but I’m having a hard time at the moment remembering where. Let me think about it a bit and ask around to see if I can jog my memory. In the version I saw, comments could be hidden from everyone but a specified user, which sounds like it would fit your bill.

    @Rowena – thanks for the suggestions!


    @dwuebben Our ITF Mike Porter wrote a plugin for us last year which doesn’t quite do what you’re asking here, but it’s close.

    The plugin, “Private Comments” lets an instructor (for example) leave a comment on a post which can only be seen by the author of that post. The instructor just writes a comment as usual, but prefaces it with a shortcode ([private] by default, but it can be changed to anything you like). Any comment prefaced with that shortcode is visible only to the author of the post and to the admin.

    It’s not exactly what you’re looking for, since it gives private comments on posts, not on other comments. It would be difficult to make a plugin that would work for comments, I think, unless you only allowed comments from logged in users. Otherwise there would be no way for the plugin to know who should be allowed to see the private comment. WordPress does allow you to limit commenting to logged in users, but it sort of defeats one of the main advantages (from my perspective) of using WordPress to begin with–I definitely want outsiders to be able to comment!!

    In any case, Private Comments is a handy plugin for teachers using WordPress as an LMS. Mike didn’t put it in the WordPress repository, but he’s happy to share it. You might also look at Mike’s other plugin, Grader, which is in the repository and actually does more.

    Thanks, Joe! I think that’s the plugin I was thinking of. The only other thing that has come to mind is “Semi-Private Comments” ( ), which @srujacobs discussed during a recent CUNY DHI meeting ( )

    Thanks Joe! I was going to post that I thought you’d mentioned a plugin like that (and Grader, too, which we will definitely install on our Title V platform), but you beat me to it. 🙂

    Just FYI, WP Comment Remix will be included in our next site update.

    Great, thanks Matt and Boone!

    Sorry for the late reply but I was finally able to install Semi-Private Comments and WP Remix and give them a whirl. Great suggestions- Thanks Matt and Joe!

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