Public Group active 1 year, 9 months ago

CUNY ITUNESU Management Council Team

This space was created with the intention to share best practices, and to develop CUNY-wide standards for Podcasting



iTunes U Administative User Management

  • I need to add a new administrative user to our public iTunes U site, but it doesn’t look like I have rights to do this. Does administrative user management need to be handled through Stephen, or someone else at the central office?

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  • Currently, I am the University-wide primary administrator and am the only
    one who can add or delete site administrators from access to iTunes U
    sites directly through iTunes. However, site administrator access is also
    provided to those individuals who are defined to the iTunes U site admin
    role in Blackboard.

    By sending your request to add or delete an individual to the Blackboard
    role to Kraf Valcin through established channels, you will achieve what
    you want to do. This will provide such access only through the Blackboard
    iTunes U configuration panel:

    To access the iTunes U site with admin privileges directly through iTunes
    U, without going through Blackboard using an individual’s Apple ID and
    password, you must let me know. The convention is that for new sys admins
    Apple IDs must be their campus e-mail address.

    I will work with the CIS Application Support team to establish a
    simplified, more direct process.

    For now, I suggest you alert Kraf and myself to any changes you request.


    Stephen Landau
    Business Process Manager
    Project Management Office
    Office of Computing and Information Services of
    The City University of New York

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