Public Group active 1 year ago

Computing Integrated Teacher Education (CITE) @ CUNY

Computing Integrated Teacher Education is a four-year initiative to support CUNY faculty at all ranks to integrate state standards aligned computing content and pedagogy into required education courses, field work and student teaching. Supported by public funding from the New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) Computer Science for All (CS4All) program and private funding from the Robin Hood Learning + Technology Fund, the initiative will focus on building on and complementing the success of NYCDOE CS4All and pilots to integrate computational thinking at Queens College, Hunter College and Hostos Community College.

The initiative focuses on:
– Supporting institutional change in teacher education programs
– Building faculty computing pedagogical content knowledge through the lens of culturally response-sustaining education
– Supporting faculty research in equitable computing education, inclusive STEM pedagogies, and effects on their students’ instructional practices

Module 2 – Queens College

  • Background

    • The National Equity Project has given us permission to “remix” their Liberatory Design Mindsets resource with their Creative Commons license.


    To complete this task:

    • Either download the PowerPoint slides attached to this forum post OR make a copy of this Google Slides presentation.
    • Remix the activity on Slide 3. You can add more slides if you need.

    To Share:

    • Attach your PowerPoint, or link your Google slides to your discussion forum post when you’re done. If you go the Google Slides route, make sure permissions allow anyone to view your work.
    • Add a brief reflection on your process and what you hoped you accomplished with the activity.
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  • The process of remixing the activity was fun! I thought about the teachers that I work with and their secondary students and how this remix could be done with learners in middle school, high school, and adults. What I would hope to accomplish with this activity is to provide opportunities for team members to have conversations about the mindsets as they are selecting as their top 5 and to looks for places where they respectfully agree and disagree with one another as they prioritize. This activity would set the stage, so to speak, for colloabrative discussion and values clarification, while also having fun and remixing BINGO, an old game with which many are familiar. I am also thinking that the younger students may not know about old school BINGO, so there may need to be an alternative for them with a game that they know well! Lastly, it might be fun and interesting to revisit the team’s original BINGO selections a couple of times later on in the collaborative project and pose the following questions to the group: “Would you still agree with our original BINGO selections? Explain why or why not. Are there mindsets that you believe are now more or less important than at the onset of the project?” The revisiting of these questions might further develop the values clarification of the group and also show that the midsets are dynaica and fluid, rather than fixed.

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    Hi Everyone! I like card games, and made a game out of this like the card game we did individually, because I think it would be fun to do with a group. It will be interesting to see if there are intentions that many students agree are important or if everyone has their own. My hope is that teacher candidates could use this game to set their intentions for work processes and interactions with their current or future students. Here is the link:

    This is not at all creative like Jackie and Kate’s, but I did some slight modifications to the original NEP activity in which I tried to build in opportunities for individual reflection and group discussion where my teacher candidates would get to better know each other’s values:


    Michael’s mindset activity:

    I have really enjoyed reading your submissions!  I do believe that activities like these could foster an appreciation and celebration for ideas and values which might be different from our own.

    Thank you!


      <li style=”font-weight: 400;” aria-level=”1″> Each individual selects 3 cards–two of which are important to them, with the this card being a mindset which is not particularly important to them.
      <li style=”font-weight: 400;” aria-level=”1″>Then, individuals would jot down (on index cards) two reasons why the particular card may be important/not-important to them.  
      <li style=”font-weight: 400;” aria-level=”1″>Following this, the students (working in pairs or individually) would select a name of an opposing team member and try to guess why that individual might have chosen that particular mindset.  The individual (or team) would receive 1 point for each correct answer.  

    *** I believe that this might be a good way to foster stronger relationships among members through an engaging activity.


    My apologies for the garbled submission…I have attached my remix as well.

    Thank you!


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