Public Group active 1 week ago

CUNY Games Network

Visit our website at (or by clicking the Visit Blog link on the left).

We connect educators from every campus and discipline at CUNY who are interested in games, simulations, and other forms of interactive teaching. We seek to facilitate the pedagogical uses of both digital and non-digital games, improve student success, and encourage research and scholarship in the developing field of games-based learning.

Game Day: Play and Praxis Wed 12/14

  • The CUNY Games Network and the BMCC Faculty Interest Group on game-based learning will host its final meeting of the semester at BMCC on Wednesday December 14th from 11am to 5pm in Studio 2 (inside S510 the Media Center).

    We will bring in the holiday in style by playing a variety of well-designed board and card games such as Munchkin, Carcassonne, Coloretto, etc. Rather than any formal presentations, we may brainstorm how to apply the mechanics of these games (such as initiative, competition, roles) to our teaching exercises. You will also get a chance to meet colleagues in your discipline who are interested in collaborating on the creation of educational games, hear about grant opportunities, play reindeer games, etc.

    Last but not least, tasty foodstuffs will be provided.


    The CUNY Games Network Steering Committee
    (Joe Bisz, Kathleen Offenholley, Leah Potter, Maura Smale, Francesco Crocco, Carlos Hernandez, Lee Hachadoorian)

    Directions to BMCC:
    CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College
    199 Chambers Street (between Greenwich St and West St)
    *You’ll need a picture ID to enter the building.

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  • I was really look forward to this, but alas, I am swamped with development work, so am sorry I won’t be able to make it today. I wish I could, but will plan to catch up with you all in the new year. Keep playing and learning.

    I too am totally bummed! I was hoping to get out of here in order to make it by 11 but now I am still stuck at my desk with administrative hooha.

    Best of luck to everyone there and wish you all a great holiday!

    I’m really sorry to miss everyone today, too! Next time for sure.

    Hope everyone has a great holiday and the chance to use the downtime to play and explore whatever games you’ve been waiting for. I’m looking forward to unwrapping my copy of the Metagame soon (, and will post up a review when I have a chance.


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