This is a public group for the Graduate Center's Teaching and Learning Center. Join for notifications of events, and to participate in conversations about teaching and learning on the TLC Forum. Our website can […]
This is a public group for the Graduate Center's Teaching and Learning Center. Join for notifications of events, and to participate in conversations about teaching and learning on the TLC Forum. Our website can […]
A group devoted to making education open, accessible, and public through the use of open-source tools and non-proprietary software platforms. Group avatar by akashgoyal
A group for CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students interested in open access publishing for scholarly communication, open educational resources, and open teaching and scholarship. Group avatar includes the […]
A meta-group for all of the Commons' group admins so that the CUNY Academic Commons team can share information and keep you updated about changes to the site (and especially the Group interface). This group will […]
A group for members of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology. Group membership is limited to committee members. Group avatar by Don Solo.
This is a group for all members of the CUNY community who are interested in technology and its use in academic research and teaching.
Computing Integrated Teacher Education is a four-year initiative to support CUNY faculty at all ranks to integrate state standards aligned computing content and pedagogy into required education courses, field work […]
This is a private group for campus leaders in the OAA-sponsored Hybrid Initiative. Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.
This is a private ad hoc subgroup of the Committee on Academic Technology devoted to the discussion of some of the more recent and highly touted innovations in online and tech-mediated instruction: Massive Open […]
In responding to an inquiry from CIS, I am seeking to gather information for a CUNY Central hosted media server that would be available to all campuses. CIS has initiated the conversation at our monthly Steering […]
The Advisory Group on Online Ed Policy is a subcommittee of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology (CAT) advising the Academic Policy Committee (a subcommittee of the Academic Council, comprising the chief […]
Let's talk about what should be done about Bb, fallback options in case of Bb outages, and possible permanent alternatives in terms of an LMS.
A place to share ideas and best practices on planning, piloting, implementing, and/or assessing ePortfolios.
TE(A)CH with Purpose @ Bronx CC is created by a team of educators who are committed to excellence in faculty training for effective uses of educational technology. The mission of TE(A)CH with Purpose is to: […]
This is a private group created by the CUNY CAT (Committee on Academic Technology) to think through what any large campus-based or University-wide initiative for online or (more likely) blended learning would and […]
This is a private group for members of Digital CUNY and the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology volunteering to imagine an “in-house accelerator” that (to quote the CUNY Online Task Force Report) would inc […]
Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee