Ruth Frick O’Brien

(pronouns -she/her/mx)

Politics_Personal=AlwaysPol +Out of Many, One: Obama & 3rd American Tradition+OUP Solo Book Series Editor Heretical Thought (Contemporary American Political Thought)

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December 11, 2024

Most people know what going “dutch-treat” means. (Each person shares to the penny how much they spent on their own meal, for instance). 
So what do I mean by double-dutched? What this signifies is how little is known about the New Netherlands, or New Amsterdam (not the tv show). It’s easy. 

Think AJ (by that I do mean the 7th president – President Andrew Jackson. Read: “To the victor belong the spoils.” 
Apparently, one of New York Senator’s — William L. Marcy — said it referring to the 1828 election, not President Jackson. 
I wonder why Trump’s.father decided to deny his German lineage and went for Sweden instead of Holland or the Netherlands). Trump, Tromp could’ve been Dutch.

I wonder even more what picture will adorn the Oval Office in 2025? Will we have a “repeat?” 

I suppose Trump could put up his own official portrait. Not many presidents have skipped a beat and get a four year respite to learn.# features pictures.

urls (note, I do not maintain all)

Requests for pdfs send request to [email protected]

1.Workers’ Paradox, The Republican Origins of New Deal Labor Policy (UNC)

2.Crippled Justice: The History of Disability in the Workplace (U of Chicago)

3.Bodies in Revolt: An Alternative Ethic of Care at the Workplace (Routledge)

4.Voices from the Edge: Narratives about the Americans with Disabilities Act (OUP, 8 of 12 chapters. See Ohio State Law School-Disability Studies, Literature conference, 2006)

5.Out of Many, One: Obama & 3rd American Pol. Tradition (U. of Chicago) See blog on “whether” not weather, but synonym for “if”

6.Telling Stories Out of Court: Narratives about Women & Work (Cornell edited)

(selected: SIGNS; Studies in APD; Polity; Law & Social Inquiry; Tulsa Law Review)

solo book series: Heretical Thought (OUP) 9 theory books (OUP maintained website)

& solo book Public Square (PS) (Princeton), 10 books (19 year run) Record of 100% solicitation to publication.

Frontier Politics-is-Always-Personal-Protest

7. book length ms -“Female Frontier Descendants – 1641-2025 It explores the hegemonic journey of the women who crossed the Atlantic in 1641, and then crossed into California, settling in Weed Patch (now Weedpatch) in 1919. As so-called agribusiness, they farmed and did ranching in land next to the farm John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath wrote about in the 1930s. My grandmother married a direct descendant of Henry Clay Frick. Tracing the women in the family, it shows how they embodied certain ideals, moving from Amsterdam to Weed Patch” in almost 400 years.

Graduate Teaching: The American Presidency (TAP) ; American Political Thought (APT); Heretical and/or Contemporary Political Thought(CAPT); American Political Development (APD); Power, Resistance, Identities and Social Movements (PRISM) First female prof. “knighted” by late Rush Limbaugh as the 1st “professorette.” Writing Politics specialization founder, 2004.

Contact-via email [email protected]

(212) 817-8678

Blog_being refreshed

Academic Interests

Subjects or Topics: American Social Movements; The American Presidency (contemporary, like Obama & former20th century presidents such as Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, FDR, Truman; American Labor Movement & Organized Labor in late 19th and 20th centuries; Anarchy Studies; Disability Studies and Disability Workplace History; Women & Gender Studies, including Civil Rights for Women and Persons with Disabilities; Political Theory and Traditions or Everyday Resistance & Identity Politics & Social Movements; law & narrative theory of fiction and creative non-fiction; Genealogical Narratives & Contemporary History. Qualitative Research Methodologies: American Political Development (APD); Intersection of American Political Thought (APT) or APT + APD = American Political Perspectivism (APP); Political Theory & Thought; Legal Theory & Thought; American Studies; American Law & Social Movements; Law & Creative Non-Fiction and Fiction; Narrative Theory; Case Studies, Ethnography, document and content analysis, and In-depth Interviews.


Ph.D. Political Science (History Minor), UCLA (American politics, political theory & history; D. Phil. , M.A. Political Science, UCLA; B.A. Political Science, Claremont McKenna College (then Claremont Men’s College, 3rd co-ed class); High School Diploma, Capitol Page School, Washington, D.C. (Rep Ketchum, William M. sponsor, eligible not by patronage) GOP ended in August 2011 after being continuously run when U.S. Congress opened.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Full ProfessorThe Graduate Center, The City University of New York(CUNY) 2006-present brought in as part of 140ish core.  Political Science (primary), Women’s Studies  (2012-present secondary and now offers Masters); American Studies Certificate Program in Masters of Liberal Studies (2005-present); affiliated with Masters of Liberal Studies (2015-present); application in for BRES
  • Princeton University Press Book Series Editor, The Public Square.  General-list or trade series showcases public intellectuals on politics; has published 10 books, 9 authors from American Studies, Philosophy, English, History (including Contemporary History), German Studies & Political Science, Law, International Law, Women & Gender Studies, and Economics, (5 of 9 won 12 awards and mentions, listed below) 2004-2023.
  • Catherine Rottenberg,Oxford University Press, USA Solo Academic Book Series Editor— Heretical Thought publishing authors from disciplines and sub-disciplines of political, social, & anthropological & legal theory and thought, including American Political Thought, historical consciousness, contemporary history, English Michael Hardt’s & Antonio Negri’s book Assembly  (launch book) Mission Statement and Advisory Board below). Authors include: Banu Bargu, Jane Caputi, Jennifer Nedelsky and Tom Malleson, Anne Norton, Ann Laura Stoler, Peter D. Thomas, Massimiliano Tomba
  • Book list:

Past Positions

  • Adjunct Affiliated Scholar, Center for American Progress, Washington, D.C., July 2004-June 2015, recruited by Neera Tanden (president) and John Podesta (founding president)
  • Idea Impact, Founding President, 2013-14, 2018, Summers 2013-2024-New York, NY Non-Profit501 (3)(c)
  • Executive Officer, Ph.D. & M.A. Political Science Program at the Graduate Center, CUNY 2003-09 (two terms, appointed for a third. 2009-15 but declined) See July 2007 Bulletin for “as of” faculty list
  • Full Professor, the Graduate Center, CUNY 1997-present (see above)
  • Full Professor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice & The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2003-06
  • Deputy Executive Officer, Political Science Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2000-03
  • Associate Professor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice & The Graduate Center, CUNY, 1999-02
  • Assistant Professor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, 1993-98
  • The Graduate School and University Center, CUNY Faculty secondary appointment, 1997-06 (now The Graduate CenterCUNY)
  • Assistant Professor, (tenure-track) University of Denver, 1991-93


Awards & Honorary Affiliations

  • 2013 (September) Author Meets Critic, American Political Science Association,  Out of Many, One: Obama and the Third American Political Tradition
  • 2013-2015 President, Idea, New York, New York
  • 2004-Present Affiliated Scholar, Center for American Progress, Washington,   D.C.
  • 2012 Nine Public Square titles (below) have garnered 12 awards and mentions
  • 2011 Chancellor’s Award for Disability Awareness, CUNY
  • 2004-09 Center for American Progress funding for the Public Square
  • 2005 J.M. Kaplan Furthermore Foundation Award, funding for the Public Square
  • 2003 American Bar Association Silver Gavel Award KPFK Nominee for radio
  • 2002 CUNY Diversity Project Development Grant
  • PSC-CUNY Grants. Received as John Jay faculty 2005-06; 2003-04; 2002-03; 2001-02; 1999-00; 1997-98; 1996-97; 1996-95
  • 2000 (April) Clarke Fellowship, Cornell University Law School
  • 1992 Law & Society Workshop Fellowship

 Articles (Peer-Reviewed)

  • “Other Voices at the Workplace: Gender, Disability and An Alternative Ethic of Care,” SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 30, no. 2 (2005): 1529-55.
  • “From a Doctor’s to a Judge’s Gaze: Epistemic Communities and the History of Disability Rights Policy in the Workplace,” Polity 35 (April 2003): 325-46.
  • “‘A Sweatshop of the Whole Nation’: The Fair Labor Standards Act and the Failure of Regulatory Unionism,” Studies in American Political Development 15 (Spring, 2001): 33-52.
  • “Taking the Conservative State Seriously: Statebuilding and Restrictive Labor Practices in Postwar America,” Labor Studies Journal 21 (Winter 1997): 33-63.
  • “Duality and Division: The Development of American Labor Policy from the Wagner Act to the Civil Rights Act,” International Contributions to Labour Studies 4 (1994): 21-51.
  • “‘Business Unionism’ versus ‘Responsible Unionism’: Common Law Confusion: the American State and the Formation of the Pre-New Deal Labor Policy,” Law and Social Inquiry 18 (Spring 1993): 255-96.

Book Series Editor, The Public Square, Princeton University Press

The Public Square series showcases some of the world’s finest public intellectuals writing on topics at the forefront of public discourse. It features authors — be they professors, journalists, essayists, poets, or novelists — whose distinctive voices resonate both within, and far beyond, the confines of the academy. Artful, accessible, and analytical, their essays contribute to international dialogue, shape and frame national debates, and engage with enduring and fundamental questions.

Books in Public Square Series

  • 2017 (November forthcoming) Joan Wallach Scott, Sex and Secularism
  • 2013 Anne Norton, On the Muslim Question
  • 2012 David Marquand, The End of the West, The Once and Future Europe (paperback)
  • 2011 David Marquand, The End of the West, The Once and Future Europe 
  • One of Financial Times non-fiction favourites of 2011 in Politics          
  • 2011 Jill Lepore, The Whites of their Eyes: The Tea Party’s Revolution and the Battle over American History (paperback)
  • 2010 Jill Lepore, The Whites of their Eyes: The Tea Party’s Revolution and the Battle over American History

Gold Medal Winner of the 2011 Independent Publisher Book Awards in the History category /
2010 Bronze Medal Winner of the 2010 ForeWord Reviews Book of the  Year / Awards in the History Category
/ Named a 2010 New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice /
One of the 2010 Top Debate Worthy Books of the Year, U.S. News & World Report (online version) /
Highly Recommended Book, 2011 Annual Awards, Boston Authors Club
/ Honorable Mention for the 2010 PROSE Award for Excellence in U.S. History / American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence

2012 Martha C. Nussbaum, Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities (paperback)

2010 Martha C. Nussbaum, Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities

2012 Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences / Named one of Brenda Walker’s 2010 Best Books of the Year, The Age

2010 Joan Wallach Scott, The Politics of the Veil

2010 Jeff Madrick, The Case for Big Government

2009 Andrei Codrescu, The Posthuman Dada Guide: Lenin and Tzara Play Chess

2008 Jeff Madrick, The Case for Big Government

Finalist, 2009 PEN John Kenneth Galbraith Award for Non-Fiction

2007 Andrei Markovits, Uncouth Nation: Why Europe Dislikes America

2007 Joan Wallach Scott, The Politics of the Veil

2007 Barbara Bennett Woodhouse, Hidden in Plain Sight: The Tragedy of Children’s Rights from Benjamin Franklin to Lionel Tate

American Political Science Association (APSA) Best Book Award 2009,
Human Rights Section

Advisory Board


Book Series Editor, Heretical Thought, Oxford University Press, USA

Advisory Board 

Advisory Board

Michael Hardt*
Ira Katznelson*

Heretical Thought Mission Statement:

Thought is heretical when it threatens our idea of universality, or our notion of the self or selves. Such threats can occur in the face of advances in science, human science, governance, or media.  Regardless of purpose or intent, heretical ideas shape and determine our bodies and our consciousness and/or the ways we communicate about them.  They also embody seismic or significant breaks in sclerotic contemporary political thought.

This series is shaped by the notion that contemporary political thought that advances significant or seismic ideas, independent of purpose or intent, and also threatens our ideas of universality, is heretical. Books in the series expose contemporary ruptures in thought, or a break in a school of thought.  In doing so they will make visible, or apparent, threats that are observable, empirical, biological, chemical, or physical in the universe — suggesting not only how such threats can compel new ways of thinking, but also how they can lead to productive political action.

Heretical Thought, Oxford University Press, USA. Nine Titles see below (OUP, USA maintains this page)

DisembodimentCorporeal Politics of Radical Refusal$36.95Banu Bargu 9780197608531
04 October 2024
Heretical Thought
Call Your “Mutha'”A Deliberately Dirty-Minded Manifesto for the Earth Mother in the Anthropocene$140.00Jane Caputi 9780190902704
24 August 2020
Heretical Thought
Call Your “Mutha'”A Deliberately Dirty-Minded Manifesto for the Earth Mother in the Anthropocene$44.99Jane Caputi 9780190902711
24 August 2020
Heretical Thought
Assembly$30.99Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri 9780190677961
01 September 2017
Heretical Thought
Assembly$24.99Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri 9780190906320
01 March 2019
Heretical Thought
Part-Time for AllA Care Manifesto$34.95Jennifer Nedelsky and Tom Malleson 9780190642754
31 May 2023
Heretical Thought
Wild DemocracyAnarchy, Courage, and Ruling the Law$30.99Anne Norton 9780197644348
07 March 2023
Heretical Thought
The Rise of Neoliberal Feminism$15.99Catherine Rottenberg 9780197523773
01 May 2020
Heretical Thought
The Rise of Neoliberal Feminism$42.99Catherine Rottenberg 9780190901226
04 September 2018
Heretical Thought
Interior FrontiersEssays on the Entrails of Inequality$130.00Ann Laura Stoler 9780190076375
03 June 2022
Heretical Thought
Interior FrontiersEssays on the Entrails of Inequality$27.99Ann Laura Stoler 9780190076382
03 June 2022
Heretical Thought
Radical PoliticsOn the Causes of Contemporary Emancipation$39.95Peter D. Thomas 9780197528075
31 October 2023
Heretical Thought
Insurgent UniversalityAn Alternative Legacy of Modernity$48.99Massimiliano Tomba 9780190883089
14 June 2019
Heretical Thought
Insurgent UniversalityAn Alternative Legacy of Modernity$37.99Massimiliano Tomba 9780197577233
01 March 2021
Heretical Thought

Ruth O’Brien’s Selected Solicited Articles (non-peer reviewed)

“Progress and Good Governance in Domestic Policy” in Debating the Obama Presidency Ed. Steven E. Schier, Rowman and Littlefield (Available 2016)

“Obama, Barack,” American Governance. Editors S. Schechter, T. S. Vontz, T. A. Birkland, M. A. Graber, & J. J. Patrick (Eds.), American Governance (Vol. 4, pp. 1-3). Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA (2016)

“What a Difference Thirty Years – 1978 to 2008 – Makes in the Transformation of Disability Law” Tulsa Law Review Winter 2015

“Finding a Nexus between APD and American Political Thought,” Clio, 2013.

“A Subversive Act: The Americans with Disabilities Act, Foucault, and an Alternative Ethic of Care at the Workplace,” Texas Women’s Law Review 13 (Fall 2003): 55-89.

APT meets APD, CLIO Newsletter for Politics & History, Fall 2013 (forthcoming)

Foreword to Anne Norton’s On the Muslim Question (2013)

Foreword to David Marquand’s The End of the West, The Once and Future Europe (2012 & 2011 editions)

Foreword to Jill Lepore’s The Whites of their Eyes: The Tea Party’s Revolution and the Battle over American History (2011 & 2010 editions)

Foreword to Martha C. Nussbaum’s Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities (2010 & 2012 editions)

Foreword to Jeff Madrick’s The Case for Big Government (2008 & 2010)

Foreword to Andrei Markovits’s Uncouth Nation: Why Europe Dislikes America (2007)

Foreword to Joan Wallach Scott’s The Politics of the Veil (2007 & 2010)

Barbara Bennett Woodhouse, Hidden in Plain Sight: the Tragedy of Children’s Rights from Benjamin Franklin to Lionel Tate (2007)

Selected Invited Lectures

“Describing and Delivering the Leadership We Need,” National Principals Leadership Conference, July, 2016

Author Meets Critic: Out of Many One, Obama & the Third American Political Tradition, American Political Science Association, 2013

Out of Many One, Obama & the Third American Political Tradition, History & Culture Colloquium, September 20, 2012, Drew University

“Ceilings Waiting to be Broken: Women Sharing Discrimination Stories In and Out of Court,” March 1, 2011, Keynote Address for Women’s History Month, University of Utah

Voices from the Edge featured at ADA Day, New York Public Library (NYPL), July 7, 2010, celebrating the ADA’s 20th anniversary.

Obama Year One, Keynote Address, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, “Out of Many, We Are One: Obama and the Third American Liberal Tradition,” November 18, 2009

Plenary Session Panel on Workplace Discrimination, Telling Stories Out of Court, AAUW National Convention, June 22, 2009

Voices from the Edge, University of Utah School of Social Work, April 2009

“The American Frontier State and Society,” University of Oregon, Political Science Department, April 2008

“Radicalism, an American Liberal Tradition,” Holzheim University, Stuttgart, Germany, July 2008

“Telling Stories Out of Court: A Different Type of Legal Narration,” September 2007

Willowbrook Annual Memorial Lecture, College of Staten Island, CUNY, April 2007

Author Meets Critic panel at Midwest Political Science Association on Bodies in Revolt, April 2006 (cancelled day of event due to family emergency)

Bodies in Revolt, Woodrow Wilson International Center, November, 2005

“Fluidity & Identity,” Ohio State Law School, January 18, 2005

“Bridging the Divide: The ADA,” Yale Law School, May, 2004

“The Subversive Act: The Potential of the ADA,” March, 2004, Feminist Legal Theory Group, Emory Law School

“Bodies in Revolt: Foucault and Alternative Ethics of Care in the Workplace,” Subversive Legacies Conference, Texas Law School, November, 2002

“Federalism — A National Perspective,” Fulbright Institute on the Civilization of the United States for Fulbright University Professors, New York University, June, 2002

“The Psychoanalytical Roots of Disability Policy,” Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research, October, 2002

Institutional Grants

Co-Director, 2012-13 Mellon Grant, Sawyer Seminar on the Comparative Study of Cultures, entitled “Democratic Citizenship and the Recognition of Cultural Differences,” ($278,000).

Sole Director, 2003 Fulbright Summer Institute on American Political Development, Ideas and Institutions: The Rise to Globalism (read — America as Empire). Eighteen faculty from as many nations came for study for six weeks.  Forty-two scholars traveling from Oberlin, University of Texas, Austin and Dallas, to University of Missouri, St. Louis, to Rutgers, University of Pennsylvania, Yale, and the CUNY campuses gave presentations. ($250,000)

Conference Planning

“Chancellor’s Award for Disability Awareness” Conference Collaboration with for Christopher Rosa, University Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, and Laurie Beck University Director, Assessment & Strategic Initiatives, among others, May 5, 2011

Planning Committee Consultant for Ohio State Conference entitled “Disability, Narrative & the Law,” February 16-17, 2006

Executive Program Committee Co-Chair (with Jeffery Tulis) of Politics and History Section for the American Political Science Association, 2001

Conference Co-Section Leader (with Eileen McDonagh) of Politics and History Section for the Western Political Science Association, 1995

Initiated and organized the first “Politics and History” Section for the Western Political Science Association, 1993 (on-going)

Selected Book Reviews

American Political Science Review (2002) on More than a Historian: The Political and Economic Thought of Charles A. Beard, by Clyde Barrow

Journal of American History review article (December 2001) on U.S. Labor and Political Action, 1918-1924: A Comparison of Independent Political Action in New York, Chicago and Seattle, by Andrew Strouthous

Journal of Policy History (Spring 2000) on Labor’s Great War: The Struggle for Industrial Democracy and the Origins of Modern American Labor Relations, 1912-1921, by Joseph A. McCartin, and Making American Industry Safe for Democracy: Comparative Perspectives on the State and Employee Representation in the Era of World War I, by Jeffrey Haydu.

American Political Science Review (December 1999) on Office Politics: Computers, Labor, and the Fight for Safety and Health, by Vernon L. Mogensen

Journal of American History (June 1997) on Lawyers Against Labor: From Individual Rights to Corporate Liberalism, by Daniel R. Ernst

American Political Science Review (March 1997) on Broken Promise: The Subversion of U.S. Labor Policy, by James A. Gross (Temple University Press, 1995), and Unions and Public Policy: The New Economy, Law, and Democratic Politics, edited by Lawrence G. Flood (Greenwood Press, 1995)

Journal of American History (March 1995) on A Muted Fury: Populists, Progressives, and Labor Unions Confront the Courts, 1890-1937, by William G. Ross

Law and History Review (Spring 1995) on Brandeis: Beyond Progressivism, by Philippa Strum

Selected Encyclopedia Entry

“American Disability Policy” in Poverty and Social Welfare: An Encyclopedia, Gwendolyn Mink and Alice O’Connor, eds. ABC-CLIO (2004)

Selected Conference Papers 

“Out of Many We are One: Obama & Spinoza and the Politics of the Multitude,” American Political Science Association Conference, 2009

“Foucault, Agents of Resistance, and Strategies for an Ethic of Care in the American Workplace,” American Political Science Association Conference, 2002

“Relational Justice and Difference in the Workplace,” American Political Science Association Conference, 2001

“Rights, Resentment, and the Power of People with Disabilities: An Assessment of the Americans with Disabilities Act,” at Cornell Law School, Feminism and Legal Theory Project Seminars, 2000

“A ‘Sweat Shop of the Whole Nation’: The History of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938,” American Political Science Association Conference, 1997

“Civil Rights and the Cultural Relativity of the State,” American Political Science Association Conference, 1996

“Going Public: The Progressive Conception of Unionism,” Social Science History Association Conference, 1993

“Voluntarism, Progressivism, and the Creation of Pre-New Deal Labor Policy,” North American Labor History Conference, 1993

“The Failure of the Progressive-Labor Alliance,” American Political Science Association Conference, 1993

“Individualism and Collectivism: The Development of American Labor Policy in Two Parts, 1935-1964,” University of Notre Dame Conference on Labor, Law, and Economics, 1993

“Partisanship and Policy Constraints: The Democrats’ Dualistic Labor Policy, 1935-1972,” Mid-Western Political Science Association, 1993

“American Labor Ideology in Comparative Context,” Western Political Science Association, 1993

“Voluntarism, Judicial Hegemony, and the Development of the Pre-New Deal Labor Policy,” American Political Science Association Conference, 1992

“Public Policy-Making between the ‘Big Bang’ Progressive and New Deal Periods,” Mid-Western Political Science Association Conference, 1992

“The First Permanent American Party Organization and National Policymaking in the 1920s,” Western Political Science Association Conference, 1992

“Labor Unions, Congress and the Courts before the New Deal,” American Political Science Association Conference, 1988

“Organized Labor’s Role in Environmental and Consumer Legislation,” American Political Science Association Conference, 1986

Other Selected Conference Activity

Discussant, “Fluidity and Identity,” American Political Science Association Conference, 2005

Discussant, “Civil Rights and Citizenship,” American Political Science Association Conference, 2003

Discussant, “Defining Citizenship: Progressive Era Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion,” American Political Science Association Conference, 2002

Chairperson, “Race, Reform, and the State,” American Political Science Association Conference, 1999

Chairperson, “Law and Constitution in Historical Perspective,” American Political Science Association Conference, 1997

Chairperson, “Regulating Business in Historical and Institutional Context,” Western Political Science Association Conference, 1995

Chairperson and participant, “Labor and the American State,” American Political Science Association Conference, 1995

Selected Media

Selected General Regular commentary for KPFK Radio (Los Angeles) 2001 to present on politics of Supreme Court, especially ADA and other health-care issues (like Supreme Court nominations, medical marijuana and Maine’s prescription-drug plan) or Supreme Court nomination(s).

Opinion-Editorials (Op-Eds): “Truth Catching up with False Ads,” Newsday, November 29, 2002; “Court Unfairly Rules against People with Disabilities,” op-ed for Progressive Media Project (Knight Ridder wire service), June 14, 2002 (published in Times Union, Albany, NY, June 14, 2002; Roanoke Times, VA June 30, 2002; Sunday Gazette-Mail, Charleston, WV, June 23, 2002; and Express Times, Easton, PA, June 19, 2002)

“The Court Continues Disabling ADA,” op-ed sent out by the Progressive Media Project, which uses the Knight-Ridder wire service, May 2, 2002. (Published in Cincinnati Enquirer, May 5, 2002; Columbian,Vancouver, Canada, May 5, 2002; and Janesville Gazette, Wisconsin, May 9, 2002); “The Supreme Court’s Catch-22,” The Ragged Edge, February 2002 (reprinted on request in Washington Protection and Advocacy System Newsletter, 2002)

Selected Media and General Interest Coverage of My Research Telling Stories Out of Court: CUNY-TV, One on One; AAUW, National Convention Plenary Session Talk & Book Signing; AAUW, All Branch Read, January 2010

Bodies in Revolt: Radio, KPFK, May 10, 2005; Interview, Development, a print interview.

Voices from the Edge: Narratives about the Americans with Disabilities Act — Excerpt: “Cheaters and Copy Cats,” excerpted in monthly magazine The Ragged Edge and The Ragged Edge Reader 25 (2004): 5-8.  Judicial Citation: Hartup v. American Standard, Inc., 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 78733; Readings: Disability, the Narrative, and the Law, Ohio State Law School & English Department, February 16-17, 2006; University of California-Berkeley, English Department, January 27, 2004; La Pena Community Center, Lives behind the Law (dramatic reading with professional storytellers), January 25, 2003; Emory Law School, March 4, 2004; Graduate Center, CUNY, March 25, 2004 (taped for broadcast by WBAI); featured book, Diversity Reading and Film Group, Institutional Diversity & Equity Office, Dartmouth College, 2004-05. Radio & Television: Pledge drive book for WBAI, New York, April 15, 2004; CUNY-TV, One on One with Frances Horowitz, taped March 26, 2004; Doug Henwood Show, March 18, 2004; WBAI, The Last Minority Show, March 11, 2004; WNYC, The Leonard Lopate Show, March 10, 2004; KPFK, Los Angeles pledge drive book, February 18, 2004; KPFK, hour-long show, January 6, 2004.

Crippled Justice: The History of Modern Disability Policy — Radio: WBAI, Doug Henwood Show, January 10, 2002; KPFK, “Access Unlimited,” November 2001. General Audience Book Reviews: Leonard Kriegel, “Handicapping the Crippled,” in The Nation, August 19, 2002; article-length review: Mark Ashley Stein, “Book Review: Disability, Employment Policy, and the Supreme Court,” Stanford Law Review 55 (2002): 607-34.

On-Line Week-Long Debate — Debated Professor Stephen Bagenstos, counsel for some Supreme Court cases defending disability rights, for Legal Affairs Debate Club —

Selected Service to the Field

School of Professional Studies, CUNY, created template for M.A. in Disability Studies, 2006-07: Disability Law and Policy (DSAB 626); Disability and Narrative (DSAB 627); Disability History (DSAB 620)

Irving K. Zola Awards Committee, Society for Disability Studies, 2006

American Political Science Association, Chair of Carey McWilliams Awards Committee for best journalistic contribution to politics, 2005-06

Michael Harrington Book Award of the New Political Science section, American Political Science Association, 2005-06

American Political Science Association Committee on the Status of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and the Transgender in the Profession, 2003-04

American Political Science Association, Politics & History Executive Council, 2002-2004

Referee: Political Theory, Journal of American HistoryJournal of Policy HistoryPolitical Research QuarterlyPolityStudies in American Political DevelopmentLaw & Society ReviewGender & SIGNS

Reader: Cornell University; Princeton University; University of Chicago; Greenwood/Praeger; University of Pittsburgh; Oxford University Press

Full Professorship, Grant, or Recommender for: University of Texas, Austin; Hunter College; College of Staten Island; Canadian Research Chairs; University of Calgary; Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.; University of Oregon

First editorial research assistant for Studies in American Political Development


Graduate Seminars (only graduate seminars from 2000 onwards)

The American Presidency, 2020 and 2024.

— Introductory: American Politics; Power, Resistance, Identity; Power, Resistance, Identity & Social Movements; Civil Rights & Social Movements (proposed); Social Movements (proposed) or Women’s Rights, Duties, Obligations & Social Movements (proposed pending) or American NeoTribalism

American Political Development: American Political Development (APD); APD “Neos & Isms”; America as EmpireAPD & the Role of Ideas; Political Parties, Interest Groups, and the Presidency (proposed)

Political Thought: American Political Thought; Contemporary American Political Thought/Theory; “Dead and Alive: Neos, Isms, & Pronouns”; American Neotribalism & “All Other Persons” (phrase from American Constitution & Federalist Paper #54)

Writing Politics Specialization: The Role of the American Public Intellectual; Blogging and the Role of the Public Intellectual; Blogging Dissent: Public Intellectuals Writing Politics (proposed)

Liberal Studies: Forms of Life Writing (storytelling as political performance, especially narrative, law, and contemporary political theory)

Professional Development Seminars: Independent Tutorials (1 to 6 credit); How to Teach Political Science (created first class for political science, 2000); Workshop in Publishing & Performative Politics; Teaching Power (proposed)

Undergraduate Courses (I began teaching only graduate courses in 2000, prior taught: Legislative Process; Civil Rights and the State; The Presidency; Political Parties, Interest Groups and Social Movements)

Graduate Center Service

Committees Chair, Awards Committee, 2009-10; American Studies Certificate Program’s Advisory Committee, 2008-12 (Elected); Graduate Center Academic Review Committee, 2005-07 (Elected); Executive Council of Executive Officers, 2004-06 (Elected); Chair of Executive Committee, 2003-09 Chair of Subfields, 2003-09; Chair of Awards Committee, 2003-09; Chair of Faculty Membership Committee, 2003-09; Chair of Professional Development Committee, 2000-03; Chair of Forum Lecture Series, Fall 2000 & Fall 2001; Chair of Alumni Relations Committee, 2001-03; Executive Committee, 2000-09; Faculty Membership Committee, 2000-09; Chair of American Politics Exam Committee, 2000-01; Dissertation Fellowship Awards Committee, 1999, 2001, 2003;Political Science Program Awards Committee 1998

External Periodic Report, 2008-09 (quoted statistical highlights for 10-year external review). Catherine Rudder & Rogers M. Smith, external reviewers.

Faculty Recruitment: “1/3rd of our members have joined the graduate faculty in the past 10 years.” Increased Competitiveness: “Our admissions pool has grown both in number and in quality . . . . More of the Ph.D. applicants are choosing to come to the program, from 23% in 2000 to 51% in 2005.” (Charles Tien, Internal Report, 2005 and 2008). 200+ GRE Score Increase: “GRE scores of admitted students increased greatly from 1999-2005.  The Program housed two political science journals — Global Governance and Polity (2004-10).

Curriculum Development

Writing Politics Specialization for Political Science Ph.D. & M.A. Program, 2004

Writing Politics trains students to write serious political analysis for an educated lay audience.  This type of political writing, a form of literary journalism or creative non-fiction, can be found in the New York Review of BooksHarper’s Magazine, or The New Yorker.  This specialization, the first of its kind in political science, helps political scientists reach a larger audience.

Disability Studies: School of Professional Studies, CUNY, 2006-07, templates for M.A. in Disability Studies, include Disability Law and Policy; Disability and Narrative: and Disability History.


  • Ph.D. Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles (American politics, political theory, and history)
  • M. Phil. Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles
  • M.A. Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles
  • B.A. Political Science, Claremont Men’s College (now Claremont McKenna College)

(revised May 2017)