Hello all! I’m hoping to revive this group a bit, which has been dormant for a while. What’s new in your centers this year? What’s working well? With what are you struggling? How can we support each other? Looking forward to reading your contributions!
We’re working with the folks on our campus, but it would be helpful to draw upon the experiences of the people who have already done it. Would you share the name of the applications systems […]
Have you converted to CUNYfirst already? If so, what was it like to change your Trac import file from SIMS to CUNYfirst? Was it quick and easy or did it take a while to get it right? Any advice to share for […]
These are the slides from my presentation on the Math Advancement Program at the December 14 CUNY Learning Assistance Forum. (I will also be presenting this at ATP in March, hence the otherwise confusing name of the file and the first slide). Handouts, including data tables, will be uploaded in a separate file.
I’ve had good luck getting PSC professional development grants to go to ATP every year. I’d like to widen my reach and try CRLA or NCLCA, but it’s hard for me to be absent from the center in the fall semester. If anybody has attended one of them and cares to share their experiences, I’d […]
Hello all! There are so many national organizations related to what we do– ATP, NCLCA, CRLA, NADE, ACTLA… and the list goes on. To what organizations do you belong? Do you attend the conferences? Any suggestions for especially great conferences?