Associate Prof. of English and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Hunter College; Associate Prof. of Digital Humanities at the GC.
Associate Prof. of English and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Hunter College; Associate Prof. of Digital Humanities at the GC.
Professor & Chair of German, Hunter College
Associate Professor, Librarian - Hunter College Libraries
Collection Development Librarian and Associate Professor at the Graduate Center Library
Librarian and Associate Professor
Associate Professor of English and Digital Humanities, Graduate Center, CUNY
Library Faculty member at York College.
advocate for all things open (knowledge is a public good!) and the transformative potential of libraries
Chief Librarian, Professor, CUNY Graduate Center
Professor, English department, Hunter College.
Professor, Author, Innovator, Digital Sociologist
Web and Digital Initiatives LIbrarian at Hunter College
Associate Professor/Head of Cataloging & Serials, AcademicWorks Coordinator