Junli Diao

Assistant Professor/Head of Cataloging & Serials

Professor Diao’s current research interests focus on the intersection of library, history and writing through the lens of comparative perspective. His research covers reinvestigation and reevaluation of traditional classification schemes from a cultural perspective, rethinking of cataloging librarians’ roles in the age of library digitalization and career deprofessionalization, history of Romanization of Chinese language and related issues in the Library of Congress, and Chinese writing and its impact on Chinese libraries in the course of its history.




Diao, J. “Are we represented as who we are? An assessment of library faculty online profiles within The City University of New York.” Journal of Academic Librarianship. In press: .

Diao, J. “Wikipedia, socialpedia, and randompedia: How could one play by the rules when there aren’t any?.” Journal of New Librarianship. 4(1) 2019: 149-155.

Diao, J. “In search of China’s first library: Materials, housing and arrangement.” Library & Information History. 35(1) 2019: 21-39.

Diao, J. “Evolution of Western library catalogs: The rising expectation of users.” International Journal of Librarianship. 3(1) 2018: 78-93.

Diao, J. “Conceptualizations of Catalogers’ Judgment through Content Analysis: A Preliminary Investigation.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 2018:

Diao, J. “Cataloging backlogs: Perennials, seaweeds, or others?.” College & Research Libraries News. 79(3) 2018: 142-143.

Diao, J. “Inukshuks: A librarian’s narrative.” College & Research Libraries News. 78(2) 2017: 93-95.

Diao, J. “The absence of public libraries in Imperial China: An alternative interpretation of Chinese writing.” Library & Information History. 33(3) 2017: 195-214.

Diao, J. & Cao, H. “Chronology in cataloging Chinese archaeology reports and related materials: An investigation of cultural bias in the Library of Congress Classification.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 54 2016: 244-262.

Diao, J. ““Fu hao”, “fu hao”, “fuHao”, or “fu Hao”? A cataloger’s navigation of an ancient Chinese woman’s name.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 53 2015: 71-87.

Diao, J. & Mirtha, M.A. “Transfering cataloging legacies into descriptive metadata creation in digital projects: catalogers’ perspective.” Journal of Library Metadata. 14(2) 2014: 130-145.

Diao, J. “Passion of a young cataloger.” Technicalities. 33(4) 2013: 17.