so much here! all good and rich and thoughtful, Inma. It occurs to me in reading this that what you’re already getting at is how subjugated knowledge comes to us in large part through questions, because positivist […]
just to the side, I heard a story (on NPR, maybe?) recently about people working with sound as touch — as airwaves move through the inner ear, they activate the sensory mechanisms/get them moving, which brain […]
Here we are, the last week of spring semester, and here I am, writing my final “dear everyone” Monday email! First and always, thank you for the generous ways you’ve received and […]
I so enjoyed being with so many of you on Friday, both for the program meeting (for current faculty and students earlier in the day) and the open awards and prizes celebration […]
Undoubtedly because the year is coming to a close, there is a profusion of events to report, so I’m devoting this week’s message toward those instrumental ends. I suspect there […]
Dear Everyone:Just a few weeks left of spring term! I know it can be difficult to regain momentum after spring break, and/but hope you were able to step away for a bit, to recoup what ener […]
Not an iota of surprise that last Friday’s Forum, featuring remarks by the marvelous Wayne Koestenbaum and Cindi Katz, in conversation with the also marvelous Eric Dean Wilson […]
Here we are in April! A month introduced by the cherishing of fools! I gave a lecture last week on the subject of Asian Americanist pedagogy, and in the Q&A, was asked why I was […]
By my count, we’ve just about six weeks to go of the semester, including the week of spring break — absurdly late in the term as ever. It all might feel especially something of […]
This is a message full of things to know — or at least, things I think you might find of interest or useful somehow. The last week has featured information coming down from […]
These bright, sunny days promising spring, punctuating the winter cold that seemingly won’t let go — appetite-whetting teasers! The springing-ahead-lose-an-hour is for some […]
When my older child was wee, he was allergic to peanuts. He started school and his teachers dutifully and helpfully circulated to his classmates’ parents a request that things […]
I want to say something to you all about the invasion of Ukraine currently underway, to acknowledge the sorrow and fury that is immediate to the assault on the people there, […]