I recommend that getting a small group of users together to simulate the submission workflow process with an admin, author (submitter), editors, reviewers etc. otherwise it’ll be difficult to actually see if it works.
To learn the feasibility of using the new release of OJS, I installed it on my workstation using XAMPP when GC IT stopped supporting it ~2018. It was a fairly simple process, but the then new release was definitely not ready for prime time.
Stephen Klein
Digital Services Librarian
CUNY Graduate Center
My pleasure Mark. There were about ~8 journals being hosted and I learned that JITP was the most active user of OJS in my dual roles working on the JITP collective and attempting to perform archive and preserve as a GC librarian, so there was no compelling reason attempting to retain the platform, especially since IT was no longer about to…[Read more]
My memory is a bit fuzzy, but if were to accurately recall there was an array of issues. A new release was not even on the horizon and the old version had severe limitations. I was part of JITP back then an in addition to using OJS, we had to use a few spreadsheets to support the submission to publishing process. Also, GC IT lost a sys admin who…[Read more]
Hi Barbara, Sorry for the inconvenience. Emailed you at your ‘ccny.cuny.edu’ email address. Please check your email. Best, Stephen Klein Digital Services Librarian Mina Rees Library CUNY Graduate Center
Hi Barbara, Sorry for the inconvenience. I will email you at your @Ccny.Cuny.Edu email address, so please check your email inbox. Thank you. Best, Stephen Klein Digital Services Librarian Mina Rees […]
Google Scholar Changes The library has removed proxy support for Google Scholar, because Google blocks these requests assuming that each search request is a […]
In case you missed this in the Library Link of the Day
New to me.
The ‘hijacking’ of the Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems: Implications for the information systems community [Information Systems Journal]
“… in July, the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives released language in a spending bill that, if passed into law, would effectively freeze the Nelson memo for a year by banning the use of funds to implement the…[Read more]