This is a public group for the Graduate Center's Teaching and Learning Center. Join for notifications of events, and to participate in conversations about teaching and learning on the TLC Forum. Our website can […]
This is a public group for the Graduate Center's Teaching and Learning Center. Join for notifications of events, and to participate in conversations about teaching and learning on the TLC Forum. Our website can […]
The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (CUNY DHI), launched in Fall 2010, aims to build connections and community among those at CUNY who are applying digital technologies to scholarship and pedagogy in the […]
Bringing together comp/rhet teachers and scholars across the CUNY system. Come join us on the wiki, as well! Group avatar: Red-Type by bebop717
A group for CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students interested in open access publishing for scholarly communication, open educational resources, and open teaching and scholarship. Group avatar includes the […]
Welcome to the website of the LaGuardia Honors program and the Honors Student Advisory Committee (HSAC). Here, you will find all the resources you need, compiled and edited by the student members of HSAC. […]
This group will share Omeka experiences, feature digital collections created in Omeka, and discuss best practices.
Transformative Learning in the Humanities is a three-year initiative supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The grant supports public talks, symposia, and workshops as well as a series of intensive […]
The Graduate Center Composition and Rhetoric Community (GCCRC), a DSC-chartered organization, is comprised of a diverse group of students and faculty interested in not only what texts say, but how they say it, and […]
The centralized, online location for articles, tools, and tips designed to support Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) at CUNY. NOTE TO 2015-2016 WAC FELLOWS: If you're looking for the advance readings and the […]
This is a private group for the Transformative Learning in the Humanities Faculty Fellows Cohort #3 (Spring 2022)
This group is one of the arms of the Revolutionizing American Studies initiative, the fuller description of which is available at its partner blog site: […]
The Community College Participatory Action Research Collaborative (CCPARC) is a center and clearinghouse for community college research by, with, and for community college faculty, professional staff, […]
This archive features assignments, syllabi, and other materials constructed by Queensborough Community College English department faculty.
This group offers information and updates about the Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)/Writing in the Disciplines (WID) Program at Queensborough Community College.
This private group will be a home site for our class to share ideas and links to different resources.
This is a space to discuss, share ideas, and upload files related to ENG 110 revisions.