Dear Class,
Please use your laptops, head pointers, phones, Livepens, tablets, hearing aids, paper, FM systems, pens, glasses, pencils, and all the tools that help you communicate.
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One academic space in which we often find uncanny accommodations and a diminished culture of access is the online class. For the sake of transparency, I’d like you to know that I am someone who loves […]
I’ll be using my blog to think through ideas and work on several projects, one of which is the uncanny accommodation: a barrier represented as access. While I have been studying access for nearly a decade, […]
I am with you, Jonathan in that this week’s readings bring us back to where we started, but, perhaps, we are different. I will see if I can convey this idea of mine briefly in another post. I enjoyed reading […]
I think that I understand ramps differently than some. I understand ramps as creating access for invisible and visible differences or disabilities–not privileging one over the other. Because the […]
Rebecca, thank you very much for pointing us to Marche’s piece, which has me thinking about how narrative theory works or opens up with algorithmic readings. This is something I keep coming back to because I am […]
Speaking of gender, access and design, take a look at the description of an upcoming talk by Tara McPherson (I learned about her from a RT by Matt). It is the last line that especially speaks to […]
Thank you for your thoughtful response. Building would change in that the value of open access–a hallmark of the DH (Digital Humanities) community–would open up to include access to what we […]