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CUNY Technology Group
Jojo Karlin started the topic JOB CALL: JITP Managing Editor (Grad A Fellowship)With thanks to Michael Mandiberg, Luke Waltzer, Anne Ellis, and our hiring committee — Chanta, Courtney, Laurie, and Zach — we are circulating the call for our next JITP Managing Editor. Please share with GC students looking for a Grad A Fellowship for fall 2024!
Please check out and share the call for the next Managing Editor of the Jo…[Read more] -
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin replied to the topic CUNY Academic Works or Manifold for OER?Dear Raffi,
For discovery, CUNY Academic Works is a great place to put your titles. Manifold has special functionality for OER (Reading Groups let you manage student annotations, for instance) and new features make it even easier to remix portions of OER available across CUNY. If you’d like to set up a meeting to talk through the differences a…[Read more]
Jojo Karlin (she/her/hers)'s profile was updated
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin started the topic Manifold Version 5 comes to CUNY!Dear all,
As of this week, CUNY Manifold has been upgraded to Manifold version 5.0! The new version boasts a number of accessibility and usability enhancements as well as key features on our way to even greater flexibility for Open Educational Resources! The centerpiece of this release, a new Access Controls feature, allows users to limit…[Read more]
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin replied to the topic Manifold MinisDear all,
Thank you so much for attending our Manifold Minis and/or following along with the email recaps.
This week, I ran two sessions of Manifold Mini #5: Publishing Your OER on Manifold. I did manage to record the second session, which I have linked. The recording is anchored in a new Manifold Minis project I created that compiles all the…[Read more]
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin replied to the topic Manifold MinisDear all,
In just a few minutes I will be reprising the “Publishing Your OER on Manifold” Manifold Mini. If you’d like to join, here is the Zoom info:
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/<wbr />88541692447?pwd=<wbr />RmhwRVdiNy9PaUp6cm14dDVzc01TQT<wbr />09Meeting ID: 885 4169 2447
Password: 2nZdWPAll are welcome! Review or come see…[Read more]
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin replied to the topic Manifold MinisDear CUNY Manifoldians,
Yesterday in our fourth session, I discussed Resources in Manifold. Below you will find my recap of the demo and the Q&A. You can find recordings of sessions 2-4 in this Manifold Minis Dropbox. I encourage you all to join the CUNY Manifold Users group on the Academic Commons, where I will continue to post updates.
Thank y…[Read more]
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin replied to the topic Manifold MinisDear Manifoldians,
Despite my meeting mixup, I recorded the session and am sharing this Manifold Minis Dropbox with the recording from today as well as last week’s. Below I’ve typed up a recap. I will keep sharing these on this thread so that the recaps exist somewhere together. I know that there’s an overwhelming amount of content coming at you…[Read more]
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin started the topic OER Starter Kit Workbook on CUNY ManifoldWe are excited to announce the release of a new resource for those working in Open Education: The OER Starter Kit Workbook!
The OER Starter Kit Workbook is a remix of The OER Starter Kit released last year. The new edition includes worksheets attached to each chapter to help instructors practice the skills they need to confidently find, use, or…[Read more]
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin replied to the topic Manifold MinisMANIFOLD MINI #2, 4/14, RECAP
CUNY OER on Manifold
I walked the group through some examples of the amazing OER built on cuny.manifoldapp.org. Anyone teaching or studying at CUNY is welcome to use Manifold. OER, Open Educational Resources, are meant for free classroom use of openly licensed material. Manifold allows for any license, but…[Read more]
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin replied to the topic Manifold MinisDear CUNY Manifoldians,
Tomorrow from 1-1:30pm I will host the second Manifold Mini. This week, I’ll be demonstrating some vibrant examples of Manifold OER in the CUNY classroom. If you wish to attend, email me at [email protected].
Hope to see you there,
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin replied to the topic Manifold MinisAPRIL 7 Manifold Mini Recap
I gave a general overview of CUNY’s Manifold instance:
– I talked briefly about the collaboration with CUNY GC, University of Minnesota Press, and Cast Iron Coding (the development firm founded by Zach Davis, a CUNY English PhD)
We looked at the overarching organization of the interface
– Home page…[Read more]
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin started the topic Manifold MinisDear all!
It seems my initial invitation did not go through! I am hosting weekly half hour demos with Q&As, Tuesdays 1-1:30pm. I will post recaps to this group after each session.
Here is the invite:
Manifold Minis Series
Are you interested in using Manifold, CUNY’s very own digital publishing platform? Are you curious how others are using t…[Read more]
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin started the topic Projects for Covid ClassroomsDear CUNY Manifoldians,
I wanted to open a thread to point out some projects that are coming together in this crazy time. Check out Daniel Defoe’s 1722 text “A Journal of the Plague Year,” a new project Al Coppola will be using in his class at John Jay.
Stay tuned as they…[Read more]
CUNY Manifold Users
Jojo Karlin started the topic Online Teaching and DigitalDear CUNY Manifold Users,
Last Friday, GC English’s Christina Katopodis hosted HASTAC scholars Digital Fridays webinar, “Online Teaching and Collaborative Reading.” I joined her and we talked about how you might use Reading Groups in your class. The whole thing is available for you to watch on YouTube,…[Read more]
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