I will exhibit a small piece in Data Through Design which opens on the evening of Mar 1 at New Lab in Brooklyn, as part of the NYC Open Data Week. Come say hi!
Hi everyone,
(sorry if you are getting duplicate messages)
I will be hosting a workshop next Wednesday evening where we sit and talk
about what people mean when they say machine learning algorithms are like
black boxes. We will also look at what some people out there are doing
about it. Anyone interested, feel free to RSVP or contact me…[Read more]
Eduard, these are important questions you are raising. Correct me if I misunderstood your intent, but I think that “almost entirely digital” sources is less about where the information comes from more about the […]
Hi Gregory, you may know about this but just throwing in a link to Lang-8, a “language-exchange social network” as they define themselves: http://lang-8.com/
Hi Carolyn, I enjoyed your follow-up. Looking at the Library of Resistance list (and formatting rules) being compiled in real time is very interesting! On one hand I feel that a familiar, shared document platform […]
Hi Iuri, nice work! The idea of using Twitter as a participatory reading platform is fascinating. Personally, I find that platforms offering collaborative annotations like the one used for Debates in the DH […]
I visited the Secure and Resist! CryptoParty at Eyebeam on Dec 3. CryptoParties are events, usually consisting of a series of workshops, that aim to introduce cryptography and related tools (like the ones used by […]
Last Friday I attended the 15th Annual CUNY IT Conference. IT here standing for both Information Technology and Instructional Technology, the conference was a diverse mix of students, faculty- and […]
I was feeling the need for such an event for a while and I’m glad that you’ve brought it up! I can’t say I am too experienced with event organization but I am definitely interested. I also plan to visit the CryptoParty at Eyebeam (http://eyebeam.org/events/secure-resist/) this Saturday, so I might have more to talk about after that.
I really liked the Guggenheim exhibition and so this project is very exciting to me! Personally I felt that the laborious ritual that the artist undertook, which is apparent when one faces the exhibited series […]
Lisa’s note: The first PressForward post I want to share comes from Jefferson Bailey, who discusses the various ways in which library and archive datasets have been encouraging researchers to use their datasets. I […]