Public Group active 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Sound Studies and Methods Working Group #GCDISound

The Sound Studies and Methods working group is a network of CUNY students, faculty, and staff who are interested in sharing theories, methods, and techniques related to doing qualitative and quantitative research, teaching, storytelling, and creating art with sounds and audio files, and finding resources and support from others to do so. The group is open to scholars from all disciplines to explore ways that we as researchers and makers can study and use sound in our scholarship and pedagogy.

The Sound Studies and Methods working group is part of a GC Digital Initiatives program designed to create collaborative communities of Digital Fellows, CUNY-wide graduate students, staff, and faculty to meet regularly and share their areas of interest. The working groups provide a sustained, supportive environment to learn new skills, share familiar skills, and collaborate with both the Digital Fellows and the CUNY digital community.

Members of the group are encouraged to share their projects, ideas, and questions concerning studies and uses of sounds and audio technologies through this group. This group was created after the success of the 2017-2018 GC Digital Initiatives Sound Series: a series of talks and workshops on topics related to sound analysis, comparison, theory, production, and recording — learn more about the past series at: and on Twitter following the hashtag #GCDISound.

If you are analyzing, theorizing, producing, recording, or sharing sounds or audio as part of your teaching and/or research, or if you are interested in learning more about different methods for sourcing or creating sounds for storytelling, podcasting, sensory ethnography, artistic exhibitions, or oral history projects, or managing, coding, or archiving copious audio files, we invite you to join the Sound Studies and Methods working group.

[Group avatar image source: matthewgpotter, “waves” on Flickr, 2015, CC license]


Have you signed up to attend NYC DH Week, February 8-12?

  • NYCDH is happy to announce the 7th Annual NYCDH Week, February 8-12, 2021. This year’s format is fully online and will continue to do what it has done for the past six years: Bring together individuals across the region who are interested in digital humanities. At NYCDH Week, you can learn new techniques and skills, discover and share DH projects from across the city, and connect with a vibrant and diverse community of scholars and practitioners. 

    Join us for the Kickoff Day!

    The theme of NYCDH Week 2021 is Care and Repair. We will focus attention on NYCDH as a community of digital humanities practice impacted by the past year. NYCDH week will be organized to provide spaces for caring for one another and developing practices of repair at the personal and institutional level. We look to support each other in ensuring that universities, cultural heritage institutions, and anywhere else DH work is being done, prioritizes preparing students to demonstrate leadership as they engage with social, political, and ethical issues.

    This year’s kickoff ceremony will feature a keynote conversation between two members of our NYC DH community, Madiha Zahrah Choksi, Research and Learning Technologies Librarian at Columbia University, and Lisa Rhody, Deputy Director of Digital Initiatives at The Graduate Center, City University of New York. 

    Register here for any part of the kickoff day!

    Take part in one of our working sessions

    To engage with our theme of Care and Repair in an action-oriented way, this year at NYCDH Week we will be hosting a series of working group sessions. These workshops will focus on topics relevant to changing conditions both within and outside the academy, and give us an opportunity to come up with strategies and tactics to help care for our communities and repair our institutions.

    The goal for each session will be to work collaboratively to produce a working document of tactics and resources that address the session topic and that can subsequently be shared with the NYCDH Community. Each session will run from 4:30-6:00pm and be facilitated by a member of the NYCDH Steering Committee. 

    Learn more and sign up for a working session here!

    Sign up for one of the many free, virtual workshops offered by NYC DH members

    Our community has come together to create a collection of 28 workshops, demos, and events (with more to come!) covering a wide range of topics. From mapping to network analysis to podcasting to open source scholarship, we’ve got you covered.

    See a list of workshops and RSVP today!

    If you are interested in offering a workshop during NYC DH Week, please feel free to reach out to Lisa Rhody, Deputy Director of Digital Initiatives at lrhody [at] gc dot cuny dot edu. 

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