Public Group active 4 months, 4 weeks ago

Sound Studies and Methods Working Group #GCDISound

The Sound Studies and Methods working group is a network of CUNY students, faculty, and staff who are interested in sharing theories, methods, and techniques related to doing qualitative and quantitative research, teaching, storytelling, and creating art with sounds and audio files, and finding resources and support from others to do so. The group is open to scholars from all disciplines to explore ways that we as researchers and makers can study and use sound in our scholarship and pedagogy.

The Sound Studies and Methods working group is part of a GC Digital Initiatives program designed to create collaborative communities of Digital Fellows, CUNY-wide graduate students, staff, and faculty to meet regularly and share their areas of interest. The working groups provide a sustained, supportive environment to learn new skills, share familiar skills, and collaborate with both the Digital Fellows and the CUNY digital community.

Members of the group are encouraged to share their projects, ideas, and questions concerning studies and uses of sounds and audio technologies through this group. This group was created after the success of the 2017-2018 GC Digital Initiatives Sound Series: a series of talks and workshops on topics related to sound analysis, comparison, theory, production, and recording — learn more about the past series at: and on Twitter following the hashtag #GCDISound.

If you are analyzing, theorizing, producing, recording, or sharing sounds or audio as part of your teaching and/or research, or if you are interested in learning more about different methods for sourcing or creating sounds for storytelling, podcasting, sensory ethnography, artistic exhibitions, or oral history projects, or managing, coding, or archiving copious audio files, we invite you to join the Sound Studies and Methods working group.

[Group avatar image source: matthewgpotter, “waves” on Flickr, 2015, CC license]


Call for Participation: CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative Lighting Talks

  • Hi all,

    I’m sharing a great opportunity to share Digital Humanities scholarship, and connect with others at CUNY doing DH research, pedagogy, and other projects —


    Call for Participation: CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (DHI) Lightning Talks (Deadline: November 6th)

    Come present your digital projects, ongoing digital humanities work, or research questions at the Fourth Annual CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative Lightning Talks event.

    When: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM

    Who: All CUNY Students, Faculty, and Staff

    Where: The Graduate Center, CUNY, Room C198

    What: Present your digital humanities project, research, or questions during a 3-minute / 3-slide “lightning” talk. Lightning talks offer a very brief insight into your ongoing digital humanities project, research, or activity to a community of engaged CUNY colleagues.

    How to participate: Sign up using this form before November 6th.

    Don’t miss this year’s CUNY DHI event, featuring a keynote lecture by Kim Knight titled “Wearable Interfaces and Feminist Sleeper Agents.” Following the keynote, CUNY students, faculty, and staff will share their projects through short 3-minute, 3 slide talks, showcasing the diverse and innovative digital humanities projects happening across the CUNY system. We invite individual students, faculty, staff or groups from all disciplines to join more than 50 scholars who have already shared their projects in previous CUNY DHI events (learn more about some of these projects in the CUNY DHI website). We welcome first-time presenters, as well as those who have participated in past CUNY DHI Lightning Talks.

    Reception to follow in Room 5307. This event is free and open to the public.

    Please share this call widely with friends and colleagues whom you think might be interested in joining the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative to present their work.

    We look forward to seeing you there and to welcoming you into the CUNY DHI community!

    For specific questions, please contact us at or

    Also find the above info here:

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