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LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable Meeting Minutes, 9/13/13 |
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10:00am-12:00pm, Graduate Center Library, Rm 196.05
Attendees: Jill Cirasella, Maura Smale, Nancy Foasberg, Jay Bernstein, John Carey, Gioia Stevens, Deimosa Webber-Bey
- Welcome, introductions
- Open Access Week planning
- Other events/programs this year (Spring 2014?)
- New business
Conversation about the first instance of a CUNY job (Jill's) with "Scholarly Communication" in the title. But, regardless of titles, who participates in scholarly communications projects and conversations? Should it be an integral part of liaison work, along with collection development, etc.?
Arrival of OA textbooks at CUNY: Projects already happening at CityTech, largely based on realization that students did not/could not get the expensive textbooks. Will there be funding and/or course release for faculty who make such works? Creation by Curtis Kendrick of a new committee to investigate what CUNY should do with respect to OA textbooks. The eternal problem of trying to counter the heavy marketing of large, for-profit publishers -- how best to communicate to CUNY administration the alternatives and get them to support them philosophically and financially? Also, it's not just the possibility of funding the creation of new OA texts -- it could also be support of various kinds for faculty to rework syllabi to make use of OA materials that are already out there. E.g., UMass Amherst and Temple: modest incentives for faculty to rework syllabi. UMass keeps a running tally of student savings based on previous text costs and number of students in the classes with the OA materials. In three years, total student savings was about $750,000. Also, how does textbook money factor into the politics of this? If we have fewer expensive textbooks, will we still get the textbook money? With how much freedom?
Maybe there could also be a CUNY-wide OLS committee on scholarly communications more generally?
Why do OpenURL tools work so unreliably with OA journals?!
Bibliography of articles about effect of open access on article citation: http://opcit.eprints.org/oacitation-biblio.html
Open Access Week: October 21-27
- Campus events and/or central event?
- To what extent can/should we repeat content? There are always new people who need to hear the basic info, but does the marketing get stale?
- What can be pulled together between now and then?
- Using the fact that 50% of 2011 articles are now OA as a marketing hook? http://www.nature.com/news/half-of-2011-papers-now-free-to-read-1.13577
- Introductory events at beginning of week and more advanced events later in the week?
- Another big draw: talking about AHA & dissertations -- maybe have a debate?
- Already planned at City Tech: 1 event on open curricular materials (Wed 10/23 @ 1pm), 1 event on OA and the arts (Thurs 10/24 @ 4:30-6pm)
- Using our connection with Jenny Furlong (GC career center) to bring in editor of University of Pennsylvania Press for AHA/dissertations/books debate?
- Inviting someone from AHA Council (which issued the dissertations statement) to be on panel? One Council member is Elaine Carey from St. John's.
- Panel: Aim for OA Week or later? Later so we can get great panelists and pull in other co-sponsors and possibly more funding? Wait until spring?
- Another angle: changes in perceptions of self-publishing -- how that can lead to interest by editors
- Promoting OA Week on blog as partial replacement for a large slate of events?
- Also having literature as a partial replacement for events?
- Event at GC that covers:
- overview of OA -- including clarifying flavors of OA (green and gold)
- authors' rights
- predatory journals (both OA and traditional) and evaluating journal quality -- also, predatory conferences
- All of this isn't new to the SCRT group, but it's still new to many librarians, faculty, and graduate students -- and there are a lot of nuances and areas of potential confusion, so worthwhile to cover, even if it is repetitive of earlier events
- Leave OA textbooks, which is a huge but separate topic, for a later event -- working with new OER committee?
- Or aim to do both, in a full-day event (1/2 one thing, 1/2 the other?) Decision: Let's go for 1/2 day event
- Important to separate OA overview and predatory journal events, so people don't think the predatory journals are just an OA problem
- Four events over course of the year
- OA Week: OA overview
- A few weeks later: Predatory journals
- Spring: OER/OA textbooks
- Spring: AHA/dissertations
- Link them together in a series with a snappy title: Authorship and Information Access at CUNY? Information Access and Creation at CUNY? Public Education and Public Access to Information? Information Intervention? Public Access to Scholarship? Maybe: Call the series "Information Intervention @ CUNY" [OK to use "at" instead of @] and then give each event its own title?
- When to have OA overview? Friday, 10/25 @ 10am-noon, Graduate Center
- When to have predatory journals event? Friday, 11/8 @ 2-4pm, Graduate Center
- Advertise at events for upcoming events
- Get someone to make a little "Information Access @ CUNY" logo to slap on marketing materials?
- OA overview: Jill will present and seek help from others (e.g., for authors' rights chunk)
- Predatory journals: Led by Monica (we have to check with Monica) with participation by others?
To do for fall events:
- Secure rooms (Jill)
- Save the dates (Alycia will put on OA blog and CULIBS)
- Get funding for food from LACUNY and/or OLS? (Maura will check with Marta)
- Talk to Monica (Maura)
- Marketing materials (John will see if Hunter library's graphic design CA can create a logo for "Information Interventions @ CUNY"
- Rest of coordination for fall events will be done on Commons, phone, etc. -- possibly also a meeting about 2nd event immediately after the first event (noon-1pm).