Public Group active 1 week, 1 day ago

CUNY-Wide Composition and Rhetoric

Bringing together comp/rhet teachers and scholars across the CUNY system.

Come join us on the wiki, as well!

Group avatar: Red-Type by bebop717


  • Addressing Outside Audiences and Stakeholders

    At the Cs this year, Sondra Perl has been asked to join other scholars in writing research to discuss ways of making our work more visible – and, we might hope, more valuable – to our administrators and to the general public. (Click here for the full panel description.)

    The conference organizers proposed five questions by which to address this issue:

    1. What communication or publication venues should Cs members consider in order to obtain a larger audience for their research?
    2. What are some recommended strategies for leveraging our research to influence stakeholders outside our organization?
    3. What are some examples of arguments based upon our research that have failed to influence those outside of Cs and what lessons can we learn from these failures?
    4. What groundwork do we as an organization need to undertake before we can effectively reach the ears of larger audiences?
    5. How might our research agendas need to change if we want to maximize our influence with administrators and other non-Cs stakeholders?

    As we discussed during our Feb 5th meeting, Sondra would like to solicit your thoughts and opinions, so that she can represent not only herself but also CUNY faculty and doctoral students on the Cs panel. We believe this forum on the CUNY Academic Commons is an excellent place to continue and extend that conversation, because it is already embedded in a public space, where our colleagues in administration and other fields can listen or (within CUNY) participate.

    Feel free to respond directly to one of the questions above, or to an existing post, or to raise additional ideas as they occur.

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