My scholarship focuses on Writing and Literacy studies, Rhetoric, Writing Program Administration, and Program Assessment. I direct the Vertical Writing Program, which consists of First Year Writing, Writing Across the Curriculum, and the Writing and Rhetoric Minor. I teach courses in the Writing and Rhetoric Minor, including: ENG 133 Language and Justice: ENG 225 Interpreting Objects, Texts, and Culture, and ENG 328 Forensic Linguistics, as well as courses in First-Year Writing, ENG 101 and ENG 201. I also regularly teach CRJ 717: Readings in Research for the NYPD Executive Leadership Master’s Program.
Prior to John Jay, I held a full time Lecturer position in the General Studies program at New York University. Before that I was an adjunct professor at CUNY colleges: CCNY, Baruch, and the College of Staten Island. In addition to a Ph.D. in Composition and Rhetoric and an MA in the Humanities from the CUNY Graduate Center (2005), I also hold an MA in Creative Writing (Queens College 1995), and a BA in Journalism from St. Bonaventure University (1986). My first career was in Public Relations and I worked for a mid-sized NYC agency specializing in aviation clients. I am also a certified Zamboni driver.
646.557.4654/[email protected]
Composition and Rhetoric, Writing and Literacy Studies, Ethnography, Assessment, Writing Program Administration.