Public Group active 8 months, 1 week ago

CUNY Technology Group

This is a group for all members of the CUNY community who are interested in technology and its use in academic research and teaching.



  • Announcement by Marisa Panzani on 5/11/10

    Conference this weekend:

    The Communications, Computing and Technology in Education (CCTE) program at Teachers College, Columbia University is thrilled to invite you and your colleagues to join us on May 15th and 16th for our graduate student conference, "TCETC 2010: Technology, Media & Designs for Learning." We have an exciting lineup of presenters exploring the educational applications of new technologies and communication tools:

    * Instructional Design of Online Environments
    * Social Software
    * Web 2.0 Tools
    * Computer-Mediated Communication
    * Mobile Media
    * Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
    * Games for Learning
    * Possibilities of Virtual Worlds
    * New Literacies
    * Identity Formation
    * Cross-Cultural Communication
    * Teaching with Technology

    Please share this invite with students and colleagues who may be interested in meeting and collaborating with scholars from TC and across the country.

    To see the schedule of sessions, to register, and for more information, please visit:

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