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a group for current and former students, faculty, and staff of the CUNY Graduate Center Certificate Program in Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (



Reminder: DH in Asia talk tomorrow by Yougmin Kim

  • Hi All — A reminder that Youngmin Kim will present tomorrow evening — please join us!


    Talk: “Youngmin Kim: Digital Humanities in Asia” Wednesday March 13th, 2019 6:30-8:30pm

    Join us as we hear from Youngmin Kim (Professor of English, Distinguished Research Professor at Dongguk University, and Jack Ma Chair Professor of Ma Yun Education Fund at Hangzhou Normal University) discuss the current status of digital humanities scholarship in Asia. His talk will consider digital humanities as participant in the 4th Industrial Revolution transforming itself into an “expanded field” and reminding us of the three V’s in the Fourth Wave of the Industrial Revolution: Volume, Velocity, and Variety (one can add more: Variability and Complexity now). Following Richard Howitt’s application of the concept of the “scale” to representation of “glocalization,” Kim invokes a double movement of the local and the global which contextualizes “the simultaneous and contested shift up-scale towards the global and down-scale to the local as a response to changing economic, political and cultural pressures.” Consequently, he argues, one might “zoom-in and zoom-out” (or “turn closely and go away distantly”) of the object of “DH in Asia,” which, can be seen in the next 2019 JADH-Osaka conference theme of “Localization in Global DH” in “wider East Asia region.”

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