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CFP! 5/15: Submissions for JITP Themed Issue – Open Educational Resources

  • The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
    Themed Issue
    Open Educational Resources
    with a Forum of General Articles

    Issue Editors:
    Jojo Karlin (NYU Libraries)
    Krystyna Michael (Hostos Community College, CUNY)
    Inés Vaño García (Saint Anselm College)

    Associate Issue Editor:
    Chanta Shenell Palmer (Lehman College, CUNY)

    Call for submissions URL:

    The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) seeks scholarly work that explores the intersection of technology with teaching, learning, and research for a special issue on Open Educational Resources (OER). We will also accept article submissions on other topics for a supplementary general-interest section.

    Unlike traditional proprietary textbooks and materials, OER are free and can facilitate Open Pedagogy, promote learner-driven approaches, foster the development of digital literacies, and prioritize accessibility, transparency, and collaboration. At the same time, committing to using OER can present challenges as it limits curricula to free or openly licensed materials and requires labor that may not be compensated or count towards tenure and promotion. For this special issue on OER, we are interested in articles that explore the increased emphasis on and institutional demand for free teaching materials and platforms in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. As college instruction went online in the early days of the pandemic, many professors started using OERs for the first time, often only learning their politics and practicalities on the fly. We wonder what OER practices, teaching and learning frameworks, and resources faculty hope to build into meaningful and inclusive future pedagogies. We are also interested in critiques of OER design, distribution, or institutional and corporate management practices. We encourage submissions about publishing student work, public-facing creative projects, social-justice issues, and the interaction of OER production with requirements for tenure and promotion. We welcome articles and case studies on creating OER, but also encourage submissions on selecting, implementing, and administering already existing OER, from the perspective of educators, as well as students, librarians, and administrators.

    As we believe that OERs can facilitate the exploration of new pedagogies, we also encourage alternative submissions beyond the traditional journal article, such as manifestos, case studies or reports, brief reflections, book reviews, and other innovative approaches. We are interested in contributions that take advantage of the affordances of digital platforms in creative ways. We invite both textual and multimedia submissions employing interdisciplinary and creative approaches in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Besides scholarly papers, the submissions can consist of audio or visual presentations and interviews, dialogues, or conversations; creative/artistic works; or other scholarly materials, including work that addresses the labor and care considerations of academic technology projects.

    Important News
    JITP is migrating from our current WordPress website to Manifold Scholarship. In keeping with our interest in open educational resources, we are excited to move to a platform designed with classroom use in mind. Manifold’s OER features will allow students and educators to easily practice social annotation and collect relevant articles for review and discussion. Following the migration of our archives this spring, this issue will be our first published direct to Manifold, and we are so excited to have potential authors—particularly those thinking deeply about the affordances of OER—joining us in this process of learning by doing. We look forward to sharing the end results with all of you, alongside some peeks “behind the seams” at the technical, creative, and pedagogical decisions we’re making along the way.

    Submission and Review Process
    All work appearing in the Issues section of JITP is reviewed by the issue editors and independently by two scholars in the field, who provide formative feedback to the author(s) during the review process. We practice signed, as opposed to anonymous or so-called “blind,” peer review. We intend that the journal itself—both in our process and in our digital product—serves as an opportunity to reveal, reflect on, and revise academic publication and classroom practices.

    Research-based submissions should include discussions of approach, method, and analysis. When possible, research data should be made publicly available and accessible via the Web and/or other digital mechanisms, a process that JITP can and will support as necessary. Successes and interesting failures are equally welcome. Submissions that focus on pedagogy should balance theoretical frameworks with practical considerations of how new technologies play out in both formal and informal educational settings. Discipline-specific submissions should be written for non-specialists.

    As a courtesy to our reviewers, we will not consider simultaneous submissions, but we will do our best to reply to you within three months of the submission deadline. The expected length for finished manuscripts is under 5,000 words. All work should be original and previously unpublished. Essays or presentations posted on a personal blog may be accepted, provided they are substantially revised; please contact us with any questions at
    For further information on style and formatting, accessibility requirements, and multimedia submissions, consult JITP’s accessibility guidelinesstyle guide, and multimedia submission guidelines.

    Important Dates
    Submission deadline for full manuscripts is May 15, 2022. Please view our submission guidelines for information about submitting to the Journal.

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