Public Group active 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTL’s)

Group for directors of CUNY Centers for Teaching and Learning, and others interested in pedagogy and faculty development.



Announcement by Bruce Rosenbloom on 10/14/11

  • Hi all–

    Two items. We have a new logo for our CTL group page on the Academic Commons, courtesy of Daniel Friedman, a student who works for me. I think it looks great.

    Also, today I attended an excellent mini-conference at BMCC on Social Media. Congratulations to Tori Mondelli and Janey Flanagan for planning this excellent event. It confirms a desire of mine to take time from my schedule to see what is happening at other Centers. That cross-pollination is very useful, and a major reason for proceeding with the "winter retreat" idea. Be well…Bruce

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