Facilitation Sign-Up
You are currently viewing a revision titled "Facilitation Sign-Up", saved on September 28, 2015 at 3:40 pm by Joe | |
Title | Facilitation Sign-Up |
Content | -Session 4, 9/28: Present History - DAHIANA AND GAYLE Pauline Lipman, “This is America” Michael Fabricant and Michelle Fine, “The Tension Between Promise and Evidence” + “Declaring ‘Crisis’” from Charter Schools and the Corporate Makeover of Public Education Paul Tough, from Whatever it Takes -Session 5, 10/5: Liberal and Conservative Paradigms Lauren & Randi Schlesinger and Bennett, Finn and Cribb (Selections 16 and 17 in Sources) Greene and Hytten (Selections 2 and 3 in Sources) 10/12: NO CLASS (Indigenous People’s Day/Columbus Day) -Session 6, 10/19: ONLINE CLASS (Write and respond to film review) Critical Pedagogy Freire and Cummins (Selection 18 and 27 in Sources) -Session 7, 10/26: Perspectives on Culture Oksana & Joe Kozol, Valdes, Hall, and Delpit (Selections 6, 8, 9 & 10 in Sources) -Session 8, 11/2: Social Class and Diversity Bowles, Anyon, Kincheloe and Steinberg (Selection 4, 31 & 32 in Sources) Johnson, K. “Confronting Child Labor” Weiss, D. “Teaching Budget Cuts to 3rd Graders” -Session 9, 11/9: Culture, Race, and Environment -- KATIE B. & Tashny West, McIntosh, Noel (Selections 10, 11 & 12 in Sources) Rita Tenorio, “Brown Kids Can’t Be in Our Club” (How to effectively raise issues of race with young children) -Session 10, 11/16: Deviance and Disability: What is Normal?-- Marissa & Catherine Baglieri et al. “Disability Studies in Education: The Need for a Plurality” Crow, L. “Helen Keller: Rethinking the Problematic Icon” Helen Keller Online Children’s Museum: http://www.afb.org/braillebug/hkmuseum.asp -Session 11, 11/23: Critical Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality Corbett, Hill and Rose and Biegel (Selections 20 &21 in Sources) Peyo, Ann. “Playing with Gender” -Session 12, 11/30: Language and Sociocultural Theory - Anna B. and Erin C. Ofelia Garcia et al., “From ELL to Emergent Bilingual” Luis Moll and Norma Gonzalez, “Lessons from Research with Language-Minority Children” Stenhouse, V. “Rethinking Thanksgiving” -Session 13, 12/7: Critical and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy; Antiracist Education Tatum, Chapters 1 and 2 from Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria Ladson-Billings, Tatum, and Solozano (Selections 22, 15 & 19 in Sources) Comber, B. “Critical Literacy Finds a Place” -Session 14, 5/16: Creating a Multicultural Classroom Derman-Sparks, Banks, Nieto, Moll (Selections 33, 34, 35, & 37 in Sources) |
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