Public Group active 4 years, 10 months ago

Spring 2020 Sociology of Education

Instructor, Francine Almash


Submitting work through Blackboard

  • Hello everyone. In an effort to get more organized for the end of the semester and to prepare materials for grading at CWE, I am making a small change to how you will submit your final paper. I have created an assignment on Blackboard where you can upload your final work.

    Additionally, I have also created and assignment for the mid-semester paper. I need you to upload the original, unedited version of your mid-semester paper so I can my record-keeping in order. Please do this by Sunday, May 3 if you can.

    At this point, as far as I know I have returned everyone’s paper—so if you didn’t get a paper back from me then it may have gotten lost in the mountain of emails I have been receiving. This is another reason I have decided to use Blackboard—having flexible deadlines has made it difficult to keep track of who has handed in what. This way, everything will be in one place which will make grading easier.

    Apologies for the last-minute change. As I’ve mentioned before, the college wants to make sure that looking back on this time, everyone’s credit can be justified.

    If you have any questions or trouble uploading to Blackboard, please let me know. (PS, if you have already submitted your final reflection to me, please upload it to Blackboard anyway—even if it’s already been graded.)

    Be well,

    Francine Almash

    Mellon Humanities Alliance Fellow
    PhD Student in Urban Education
    The Graduate Center-CUNY
    [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>

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  • Will do !!Thank you!

    Hi professor! I was finally able to submit my posts on CUNY Commons for the past two classes and added my comments to other students posts. On a side note, I posted an unedited copy of my mid semester paper on blackboard like you asked but I never got an email with it graded before that from the version I originally emailed it to you directly. I’m assuming mine was one of papers that got lost in the mountain of emails you received but regardless I did repost it to Blackboard. Thanks professor for all your help throughout this semester.

    -Audriana Fontanez

    Thanks Audriana. Yes, yours must be one of the ones I overlooked. Sorry about that. As much as I hate Blackboard, I realize now, especially with things structured as they are, how useful it is for keep track of student work! Thanks for resubmitting. I will grade the remaining papers ASAP.

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