Public Group active 2 months ago

GC Humanidades Digitales

Este grupo es un espacio colaborativo para mejorar los recursos, información, y la comunidad en torno a las humanidades digitales en español en el Graduate Center y en CUNY.

Inspired by conversations from a joint Mina Rees Library / GC Digital Initiatives conversation on March 23, 2018, this group is a collaborative endeavor to improve the resources, information, and community around humanidades digitales at the CUNY Graduate Center and beyond.


Congreso Internacional de la AAHD- La Cultura de los Datos

  • FYI:

    The Argentine Association of Digital Humanities / Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales (AAHD) and the School of Humanities from the University of Rosario (UNR) invites researchers, professors and students to participate in its International Conference: Digital Humanities. The Culture of Data, to be held at the Espacio Cultural Universitario (ECU) and the School of Humanities / Facultad de Humanidades (UNR) in Rosario, Province of Santa Fe, 7-9 November, 2018.

    The languages of the Conference are Spanish, English and Portuguese. For more information about dates, requirements and abstract submission see:

    ​Dra. Gimena del Rio Riande Investigadora Adjunta. IIBICRIT, CONICET (Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas y Crítica Textual) –  Twitter: @gimenadelr
    Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales: Coordinadora Humanidades Digitales CAICYT Lab: 

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