Public Group active 4 months, 1 week ago

Futures Initiative

The Futures Initiative aims to advance greater equity and innovation in higher education. Housed at the Graduate Center and reaching throughout the CUNY community, the Futures Initiative empowers the next generation of intellectual leaders with bold, public, and engaged teaching and learning. The Futures Initiative fosters greater understanding of the complexities of the higher education landscape by spearheading qualitative and quantitative research in areas such as academic labor practices and reward systems, open-access multimedia publishing, data visualization and interpretation, and institutional change. Through HASTAC@CUNY (a hub of the online network Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory), the Futures Initiative extends its collaborative peer-to-peer practices across institutions, disciplines, national boundaries, and economic and social disparities, promoting reinvestment in higher education as a public good.


Vote for LILAC/Futures Initiative Name – Doodle

  • (reposting as a forum topic instead of announcement)

    Hello everyone – VOTE on a name for the Futures Initiative Collaboration!
    To follow-up on the Futures Initiative Naming project, please complete the doodle for your First-Second-or Third choice. By putting YES, MAYBE or NO
    The Doodle link:

    The Options are:
    Project Name – What shall we call the Futures Initiative Collaboration with LILAC/CUNY librarians?
    – LILAC @ Futures Initiative
    – Librarians Aligning Pedagogy – A LILAC/FI Project
    – Librarians Across CUNY – A LILAC Project

    Librarians Names – What shall we call the LILAC Librarian who will receive the list of Futures Initiative adjuncts at their campus?
    – Campus LILAC Librarian Liaison
    – Campus Futures Initiative Library Liaison
    – Futures Initiative Librarian

    Please VOTE by this Thursday, June 18th.
    If you don’t like doodle, you can always just email me: [email protected]
    Thanks so much!!

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  • Thanks so much for doing setting this up, Shawn! Did you post it to the LILAC group, too?

    Just a note that a new bit of functionality on the Commons allows members to post to multiple groups at the same time. More info –

    Exactly, thanks Matt.
    I did post to both groups and am getting responses from both!

    Fantastic, Shawn. I think we set this up so that in cases where members are part of multiple groups to which the same message has been posted, they will receive only one email notification.

    Thanks for the reminder, Matt! That’s such a great new feature.

    Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll.
    As a result of the very split results, and additional comments the results are (drum roll please):

    Project Name
    Librarians Across CUNY – LILAC @ Futures Initiative

    Librarian Name
    Futures Initiative Library Liaison

    This is a hybrid for what it seemed everyone wanted to choose – the best parts of each of the choices. Unless there are any huge objections, this is what we will call the project and librarians going forward.

    Project Overview
    To recap, the LILAC group will partner with the Futures Initiative in order to receive access to the projected 90 adjuncts, and thereby 1800 undergraduates throughout CUNY who will participate as students in Fall 2015/Spring 2016 Futures Initiative courses.

    How will it work?
    Futures Initiative Library Liaisons will receive lists of GC students, enrolled in one of five of the Graduate Center Futures Initiative courses who are also adjuncts at their campus. Librarians will then have the opportunity to outreach to these adjuncts and supply library support in ways that make sense for their library. This may include the creation of course-specific libguides or other resources, bibliographic info sessions, or guidance on engaging their students to library resources for their assignments. Ultimately, it offers the opportunity of engagement to a constituency previously unreachable.

    The adjunct course list will be compiled by the Graduate Center Futures Initiative library liaison (currently me, Shawnta Smith-Cruz). The GC Librarian will also supply GC student/adjuncts with the names of librarians at their respective campuses.

    As usual, please send me any questions, objections, or feedback. Thank you again for voting!


    Shawn(ta) Smith-Cruz
    Reference & Instruction Librarian
    The Graduate Center Library
    City University of New York
    212-817-7053 | [email protected]

    This is wonderful, Shawn! Thanks so much! Really looking forward to this collaboration.

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