Public Group active 8 years, 10 months ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


ePortfolio Subcommittee Meeting: October 20

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  • Hi Barbara,
    I will not be able to attend the meeting as I am tutoring and teaching at that time. When will the next meeting be? And will the minutes of the meeting be posted online?
    Thanks for letting me know.

    Hi Angelique —

    Thanks for the note. We will be discussing the new wiki in preparation for the CAT meeting on Friday. You might want to take a look at it — the link was posted in the meeting announcement. I will post the minutes tonight.

    For a wide variety of reasons — mostly pertaining to attendance — our subcommittee has largely conducted its business through this forum and other places for communication within the ePortfolio Subcommittee group on the Academic Commons. I will take a poll and see what works best for others on the subcommittee. Key has been finding a location for face-to-face meetings. Meeting online with Skype and/or GoToMeeting seems to work best — I do not have access to GoToMeeting at my college. Skype can be difficult. Let me know your thoughts.


    Hi Barbara,

    I am also unable to attend today and will not be at the full CAT meeting on Friday, but would like to participate in the ePortfolio subcommittee. Hunter has recently been doing much more with ePortfolios and I would be interested in talking more with other campuses. I could probably find meeting space here at Hunter for face-to-face meetings, if that would be helpful.


    Thanks, Gina. Let’s talk on Friday. In the interim, please do visit the Wiki-in-Progress:

    Untitled Document

    ePortfolios across CUNY: Aggregating and Integrating Information

    . I’m posting the link below and in the report for Friday. You can also acess it by clicking on “Visit Blog.”

    Addendum — Gina, I think we need to give careful thought to face-to-face meetings. I would like to hear comments from others. It isn’t so much a space problem as a problem of travel to and from meetings for a CUNY wide group. A one hour meeting can take a half-day if it’s face-to-face, including the 1 & 1/2 hours each way for travel time. Hunter is more central than Kingsborough, so if there is an interest it would be the better venue. But attendance for most of the face-to-face subcommittee meetings has been sparse. GoToMeeting is really a great tool — it allows for screen sharing and interaction. Barbara

    It is quick and easy for me to get to Hunter (and I would be more than happy to provide space here at Macaulay, too). But I understand how difficult these meetings can be for people who have longer commutes to get to them. I think that, in recognition of everyone’s packed schedules, we are probably better served by the virtual meetings.

    I did notice one thing yesterday, though–for people who are using the microphone and speakers on their computer, rather than the telephone or text, it’s critical to have a headset, or to mute the speakers when you are talking. Maybe it was just me, but the echoing and feedback made it very hard to understand or follow the conversation. It’s a major drawback of this type of technology.

    Thank you Joseph, I agree with both points. I was one of the ones generating echos yesterday. Next time I will use a headset.

    Regarding meetings: sometimes I can’t even find time to attend virtually, but travel from the far reaches of Queens is not something I enjoy. I would appreciate it if we could keep these meetings online.

    Ditto to Bruce’s comments. I was also guilty of feedback, and it takes me a long time to get to and from midtown.

    Thanks for the feedback on headsets. I was using a microphone attached to the computer and the computer speaker but also have a headset. Next time we can do a test at the beginning of the meeting and be sure that everyone can hear. Of course, if you can’t hear the question…. We will have to ask everyone to indicate by text message any hearing issues.

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